Sponsorships in Dharamsala and Northern India

The monthly needed amount for supporting a Tibetan varies according to the personal situation. Usually 20 Euro already can ensure a monthly provision with basic supplies. Unless specified otherwise, this will be the sponsorship contribution.

Presently we are looking after 23 sponsorships for 18 needy people in the area of Dharamsala and Bir. Between them there are families, children, as well as nuns and monks, who do not live in a monastery. Most of the elder people never had the chance for a school education and therefore are not able to earn enough even for the most basic needs in life. Parents often cannot afford to pay the school fees and their children are able to get a school education only thanks to the support from abroad. But a school education is most important and a solid foundation for a more secure future. Therefore providing the means for a school education for children of poor families is one of our main aims.

Nuns and monks who are not living in monasteries often are sick and need permanent medical care. Except they have pay for room rent and food on their own. In such cases we are helping with sponsorships for the basic adequate supply.


For the monks in Tse Chok Ling monastery, which we are supporting with different projects, we are currently looking for sponsors.

Details and photos can be found on the page “Monks in Tse Chok Ling monastery”.




For the following children, youths, single people and families in the Dharamsala area we are currently in search of sponsors:

  Ani Tsewang Yangdol

38 year old Tsewang Yangdol is a Tibetan nun, originally from the Changtang highland in Ladakh. She has been paralyzed on her left side since childhood, probably as a result of Poliomyelitis. Due to her disability Tsewang never found a mate and at the age of 30 she decided to become a nun. She went to Namdroling Nyingmapa Nunnery in Bylakuppe, Southern India where she lived until 2017.
Her ordination name is Pema Yangchen.
Unfortunately she did not tolerate the humid climate of the South too well, fell sick and as a consequence was unable to carry out her duties at the nunnery which is why she decided to return to her family in Ladakh. For the past 2 years however she has lived in Mcleod Ganj, where she feels physically better. The cold in Ladakh repeatedly caused pain in her legs. On top of this Tsewang has been suffering from a chronic gastritis for a few years. For treatment she needs to consult doctors in Delhi on a regular basis.
Since her family is unable to support her Ani La has asked us for help. Her small room in Mcleod Ganj costs 45 Euros a month, an additional 40 Euros are required for food. Completely destitute Tsewang is not able to survive on her own. She would like to study English and Chinese to maybe go to Bodhgaya during the cold winter months as many nuns and monks do.
There she would teach Chinese and other Buddhist pilgrims. This way she would be able to earn her living and no longer rely on donations. Up until then we would like to support Ani La via sponsorship.
Ani La has got several partial sponsorships of the total amount of 60 Euros a month and we are hoping for her to find additional sponsors.
Please support Ani Tsewang Yangdol with a monthly amount of 30 Euros or a partial sponsorship for the food.



     Akshay Sharma

40 year-old Akshay Sharma, originally from North Indian Shimla, has lived in Dharamsala for a few years. His younger brother Bhanu works at our friend Thupten Lama’s restaurant. The latter, former monk and director
of Tse Chokling Monastery, has drawn our attention to Akshay and asked to help him.
The two brothers come from a very poor Indian family. Their father died 20 years ago and their mother in early 2020. Bhanu and Akshay were both able to attend school until 12th grade although they did not receive good education. While Bhanu has managed to somehow struggle along with various jobs Akshay started to consume drugs and alcohol starting at an early age. Due to this abuse he has been suffering from severe mental disorder for six years now and has to take regular medication. At present we do not now, yet, whether there is prospect of recovery for Akshay or whether his brain has been irreversibly damaged.
Neither Akshay nor Bhanu have a family of their own and so Bhanu is taking care of his older brother. Himself he sleeps at Thupten’s restaurant and uses his salary to pay the rent of the simple room, food and the medication his brother needs, which is quite a challenge for him.
Thanks to some extra donations in April 2024 we could hand over 280 Euro to Banu and Akshay for the next half year and they are very thankful for this support. But the situation became worse since the landlord of Akshay’s room has cancled the contract and so they need to find a new room.
Akshya’s medication amounts to around 25 Euros. We want to try to help out with at least 60 Euros monthly in order to cover room rent and medication.
Please support Akshay Sharma with a sponsorship of 60 Euros a month or a partial sponsorship for room rent and medication.



If you would like to help with a sponsorship please contact us by e-mail: info@tibet-tshoesem.de