

On this page we are regularly publishing updated information about new aid projects and news from India and Nepal:


Noch eine neue Patenschaft für Kinder in Chitwan

Die 10-jährige Shristi und ihr 7-jähriger Bruder Simon leben mit ihren Eltern in Thakaltar Village. Zum Eigenverbrauch hält die Familie ein paar Hühner und baut etwas Gemüse an. Da das längst nicht reicht um vier Personen zu ernähren versucht der Vater als Tagelöhner im Haus- und Straßenbau etwas Geld zu verdienen, doch in der Nähe gibt es längst keine Arbeit mehr und auch in entfernteren Ort ist nur selten Arbeit zu finden. Wie alle Kinder in der Region gehen auch Shristi und Simon auf eine kostenlose staatliche Schule. Da die Eltern die zwei aber nicht wirklich gut versorgen können, hatten sie uns um Hilfe gebeten. Ab sofort haben die Geschwister nun eine Patenschaft für ein wenig extra Essen während der Schulstunden und die vor allem die notwendigen Schulsachen, welche die Eltern selbst nicht finanzieren können.



Neue Patenschaften im Dickyi Tsering Home in Kathmandu

Die 4-jährige Samjana und der  3-jährige Phurbo Sonam Tamang stammen aus einem sehr entlegenen Dorf namens Bracham im nepalesischen Distrikt Rasuwa. Ihre Mutter Pasang Chhomo hat die Schule nur bis zur 8. Klasse besucht und wurde dann an einen deutlich älteren alkoholkranken Mann verheiratet. Dieser verstarb zeitnah und lies Mutter und Kinder alleine zurück. Pasang Chhomo bemühte sich Geld zu verdienen, strickte traditionelle Kleidung und verkaufte selbst gebrannten Alkohol an Restaurants, doch dies reichte nicht aus um sich und ihre Kinder zu ernähren. Daher legten ihr Familienangehörige nahe nach Kuwait zu gehen, um dort Geld zu arbeiten. Die Mutter erfuhr von dem Kinderheim und bat Geshe Sonam Wangchen, die Kinder aufzunehmen. Da sie anfänglich noch zu klein waren, war dies erst jetzt 2024 möglich. Seit dem Frühjahr leben sie im Heim und gehen in die Vorschule der Srongtsen Bhrikuti School. Nun haben sie sogar eine liebe Patin gefunden, die beide Geschwister monatlich unterstützt.




Neue Patenschaften in Nepal

Sowohl für Bedürftige in Chitwan, sowie in Kathmandu konnten wir neue Paten finden. Der 83-jährige Tapas Bahadur und seine 64-jährige Frau Tara Maya Muktan in Thakalthar Village in Chitwan haben nun Unterstützung für ihre tägliche Grundversorgung und auch die 55-jährige Khartok und ihre 13-jährige Tochter Kareena in Kathmandu, für die wir seit langem nach weiteren Unterstützern gesucht hatten, erhalten nun dank zweier weiterer Teil-Patenschaften all die Hilfe, die sie benötigen. Die beiden benötigen nicht nur Hilfe bei der Grundversorgung, sondern auch Miete und Schulgebühren zahlen, was der armen Familie alleine nicht möglich ist. Wir sind froh, dass all diese Menschen nun gut versorgt sind.




Verspätete Spendenübergabe in Briddhim fast abgeschlossen

Anfang des Monats hatten wir über den Beginn der Spendenübergabe in Briddhim informiert, die eigentlich bereits im April hätte stattfinden sollen. Heute ist die Übergabe fast abgeschlossen. Bis auf einige wenige Empfänger in Syabrubesi, das zurzeit aufgrund von Erdrutschen, die während des Monsuns immer wieder passieren, nicht erreicht werden kann, haben alle Empfänger ihre Spenden erhalten und sind sehr dankbar für die Hilfe.

Neben den 25.008 Euro, die wir für die Schulgebühren an die Gosainkunda English Boarding School schicken konnten, hatten wir weitere 11.490 Euro an unsere NGO in Briddhim überwiesen, die sich folgendermaßen aufteilen:

  • Schulgebühren für Kinder an anderen Schulen (Dhunche, Lamjung) – 580 Euro
  • Patenschaften für Ältere und Kinder, die zuhause leben – 4.325 Euro
  • zwei Hausbau-Projekte – 920 Euro
  • Bedürftige ohne Patenschaften – 5.665 Euro (darunter 4.685 Euro für medizinische Notfälle)

Hier nur eine Auswahl von Fotos der Spendenübergaben.






Die Bauarbeiten am Haus von Yugyal und Nyima Bhuti in Pelko gehen weiter

Nach unserem Spendenaufruf für das Projekt konnten wir den Gesamtbetrag von 720 Euro sammeln. Dieses Projekt hatten wir vor 5 Monaten gestartet. Eigentlich sollten die Spenden Ende April überreicht werden, doch wegen der verzögerten Spendenübergabe, musste sich das Paar den Betrag zunächst leihen. Nun sind die Spenden aber überreicht und das Geld kann zurückgezahlt werden. In der Zwischenzeit konnten so aber die Bauarbeiten weitergehen. Der Bereich, wo sich die Hühner und die Kühe befinden, soll eingezäunt werden und wir prüfen, ob dafür noch weiterer Bedarf besteht oder wir das Projekt abschließen können.




Abschluss unseres Hausbau-Projekts für Dawa Chokpa in Lingling

Im Frühjahr 2021 hatten wir dieses Projekt gestartet, doch wegen Unstimmigkeiten bezüglich der Nutzungsrechte konnte der Bau erst vor gut einem Jahr, im März 2023 begonnen werden. Dann ging alles recht schnell und ein halbes Jahr später konnte Dawa Chokpa schon in ihr neues Haus einziehen. Im Rahmen der aktuellen Spendenübergabe konnten wir weitere 200 Euro für die Baukosten überreichen. Mit diesem Betrag soll eine Decke im Inneren des Hauses eingezogen werden.  Die Arbeiten werden allerdings erst nach Ende der Monsunzeit begonnen, da im Moment viele Wege durch Erdrutsche blockiert sind und das Material nicht transportiert werden kann. Dies war der letzte Betrag, den wir für das Hausprojekt gesammelt haben. Insgesamt konnten wir 4.150 Euro für den Bau überreichen. Alle weiteren Dinge können später erledigt werden und Dawa wird versuchen dafür Geld zu leihen. Im Namen der Familie danken wir allen Unterstützern von Herzen für die vielen Spenden, dank derer Dawa Chokpa und ihre Tochter, die nach Abschluss der 10. Klasse nun wieder bei ihr wohnt, wieder ein Dach über dem Kopf haben und in einer menschenwürdigen Unterkunft leben können.




Neue Patenschaft in Chitwan

Der 5-jährige Nema Dorje Tamang lebt mit seinen Eltern und seiner kleinen Schwester in Thakaltar Village. Er geht in die 2. Klasse der Shree Thakaltar Secondary School, eine staatliche, kostenlose Schule. Sein Vater arbeitet wie die meisten armen Menschen in Chitwan als Tagelöhner im Haus- und Straßenbau, doch er findet immer seltener Arbeit. Nemas Mutter kümmert sich um die 4 Monate alte Tochter. Die Familie hält auch ein paar Hühner und das spärliche Einkommen reicht gerade um alle irgendwie zu ernähren, doch Nema wächst und für seine Schulsachen, Uniformen, etwas Extra-Essen für die Zeit in der Schule, reicht es nicht mehr. Ab sofort hat der Junge eine Patenschaft, die ihn unterstützt und zum Lernen motivieren soll.



89. Geburtstag des Dalai Lama

Heute hat Seine Heiligkeit der 14. Dalai Lama Geburtstag. Das geistliche Oberhaupt der Tibeter wird 89 Jahre alt  und wir gratulieren ihm von Herzen! Sein grenzenloses Mitgefühl, sein Wirken zum Wohle aller Wesen auf so viele verschiedene Arten, seine Belehrungen, denen wir teils beiwohnen durften, seine unermüdlichen Aufrufe für Toleranz, den Umweltschutz, ein friedliches Miteinander und sich für andere einzusetzen und zu helfen wo es nur möglich ist, hat auch uns zu unserer Arbeit inspiriert.

In tiefer Dankbarkeit wünschen wir Seiner Heiligkeit alles Gute, eine schnelle Genesung nach seiner Knie-OP und ein langes Leben!



Verspätete Spendenübergabe in Briddhim ist angelaufen

Seit Beginn des Jahres hatten unsere Mitarbeiter in Briddhim mit der Bürokratie zu kämpfen. Das SWC Office (Social Welfare Council), das für die NGOs in Nepal zuständig ist, hatte immer wieder neue Unterlagen angefordert. Aus diesem Grund war auch unsere Sonderüberweisung für die kranke Pempa Dolkar, die wir bereits im Januar getätigt hatten, zunächst abgewiesen worden und auch die Gesamtspenden vom April hingen lange fest. Nun ist aber endlich alles erledigt und genehmigt, die Gelder sind bei unserer Partner-NGO und die Spendenübergabe hat begonnen. Folgende Beträge werden überreicht:

* Gosainkunda English Boarding School Syabrubesi: 25.008 €
* Briddhim Dörfer: 11.490 €
Für einige der Bedürftigen, auch für die Schule in Syabrubesi, hatten unsere Mitarbeiter die Beträge vorlegen können und nun wird es nur noch wenige Tage dauern bis die Spenden überreicht sind. Wir werden in Kürze darüber genauer informieren.


Neue Artikel in unserem Webshop
In den letzten Wochen konnten wir unseren Webshop überarbeiten. Wir haben viele neue Artikel eingestellt und diese mit mehr Produktinfos und zusätzlichen Fotos versehen. Während unserer Projektreise im Herbst nach Dharamsala werden wir auch neue Artikel mitbringen. Bis dahin gibt es aber bereits eine schöne Auswahl an verschiedenen Produkten aus Nepal und Indien im Shop zu finden.
Besonders beliebt sind zurzeit unsere leichten, seidigen Sommerschals. Der Erlös geht zu 100 % an unsere Hilfsprojekte. Mit jedem Einkauf tun Sie also auch etwas Gutes für Bedürftige! Schauen Sie einfach mal rein:


Newsletter „Sommer 2024“

Heute ist unser aktueller Newsletter erschienen, den Sie hier einsehen können: Newsletter Sommer 2024 

Viel Freude beim Lesen!



Start unserer diesjährigen Geburtstags-Spendenaktion

Wie jedes Jahr im Sommer – Anlass ist Nyimas und Konnys Geburtstag am 19. Juli – starten wir auch dieses Jahr wieder eine Spendensammel-Aktion, die wir immer wieder neuen „Bedarfen“ widmen. Da Spenden für Bedürftige sind sinnvoller sind und auf beiden Seiten auch viel mehr Freude machen, als Geschenke und Blumen für uns selbst, nutzen wir einfach diese Gelegenheit um zu helfen. Dieses Mal unterstützen wir mit der Aktion Nyimas 55-jährige Schwester Khartok und ihre heute 13-jährige Tochter Kareena in Kathmandu.

Seit Beginn unserer Projekte, sind die beiden in unserem Hilfsprogramm, denn Khartok ist seit ihrer Kindheit gehbehindert, Analphabetin und mittellos. Nur dank der Patenschaften haben die beiden ein Dach über dem Kopf und Kareena kann zur Schule gehen. Im April ist sie in die 8. Klasse gekommen und eine der besten Schülerinnen.

Vor einem Monat ist der alte Kühlschrank der Familie kaputt gegangen. Sie hatten sich nie ein Gerät leisten können und bekamen den Kühlschrank vor vielen Jahren von Verwandten gebraucht geschenkt. Ausgerechnet jetzt funktioniert er nicht mehr. Bei der feuchten Hitze während der Monsunmonate verderben Lebensmittel schnell und ein neues Gerät wird dringend gebraucht. Außerdem hat Khartok aus Kareenas Schule die Bitte erhalten, demnächst einen Laptop für Kareena zu kaufen, da ihre Klasse beginnt mit PCs zu arbeiten. Da Bildung der beste Weg aus der Armut ist, versuchen wir Kareena bei ihrer Schulausbildung so gut wie möglich zu unterstützen. Sie möchte gerne bis zur 12. Klasse zur Schule gehen und dann einen Beruf erlernen, um auch ihre Mutter einmal unterstützen zu können.

Ein neuer Kühlschrank kostet ca. 250 Euro, der Laptop etwa 650 Euro. Der Gesamtbetrag, den wir mit der Aktion sammeln möchten, beträgt 900 Euro. Die „Geburtstags-Spendenaktion“ läuft über ein besonderes Betterplace-Projekt, über das Sie direkt online spenden können: . Außerdem kann das allgemeine BP-Projekt genutzt werden oder natürlich eine normale Überweisung auf unser Vereinskonto.



Patenschaft für Thupten Lekhden

Kurz nach unserer ersten Mitteilung zu den neuen Bewohnern im Metta Nepal Elderly Caring Home in Kathmandu konnten wir für einen von ihnen bereits einen Paten finden. Der 49-jährige Thupten Lekhden wird ab sofort mit einer Patenschaft von 25 Euro im Monat unterstützt. Er wurde in Tibet geboren und floh als junger Mann nach Indien, wo er in eine Schule für Erwachsene eines TCV ging. Danach arbeitete er in Südindien als Koch und nahm auch andere, nicht gut bezahlte Jobs an. Da er dort weder Verwandte hatte, noch Freunde fand, fühlte sich Thupten einsam und entschied nach Nepal zu ziehen, um seiner Heimat näher zu sein. Er hoffte, dass er dort eher Gelegenheit hätte, seine Muttersprache zu sprechen und seiner eigenen Kultur wieder näherzukommen. Ein befreundeter Mönch erzählte ihm von der Möglichkeit in einem Kloster in Helambu als Koch zu arbeiten.

So verließ Thupten Indien, doch auf dem Weg nach Nepal verlor er all seine Habe und konnte niemanden mehr kontaktieren. Völlig verloren irrte er umher und traf schließlich einen Freund von Geshe Sonam Wangchen. Er änderte seine Pläne und entschied ins Pflegeheim zu ziehen, wo er das Team unterstützt und den anderen Bewohnern hilft wo er kann. Alle lieben ihn und freuen sich, dass Thupten im Heim bleiben möchte.



Neue Bewohner im Pflegeheim in Kathmandu

Im Laufe des vergangenen Monats sind vier neue Bewohner ins Nepal Metta Elderly Caring Home in Kathmandu eingezogen. Die älteren sind zwischen 63 und 73 Jahren alt. Ein Exil-Tibeter, der nach seiner Flucht aus Tibet zunächst in Indien lebte und dann auf der Suche nach einem neuen Zuhause alles verlor und nach Kathmandu kam, ist erst 49 Jahre alt. Für diese Bedürftigen suchen wir nun Paten, die sie mit 25 Euro im Monat oder einer Teil-Patenschaft ab 10 Euro unterstützen. Ihre Geschichten finden Sie hier auf unserer Webseite:




Launching our next relief campaign on behalf of Pradip and his family in Chitwan – construction of a lavatory

We shared news about Pradip and his family on several occasions throughout the past two weeks. About eight months ago the family father had a severe accident. His wife Sita is nine months pregnant at the time and still taking care of her husband around the clock. This way the family of five was left penniless. They have no other means of income.

Luckily we could instantly find a sponsor to secure their supply with food. To cover Pradip’s medical treatment we managed to gather donations worth 740 Euros, which will suffice for six months. In order to further relieve this family, particularly with regards to their physical situation, we would like  to initiate the construction of a lavatory by the house, for so far there is none. The couple and their children have been using the open field or walked to their neighbor’s premises, who have a toilet of their own. Pradip, however is unable to leave the house at all and is restrained to bed with his need.

A water line has been installed already. Behind the house either a hole can be punched through an existing wall or a canopy can be added. Although a Western style toilet is somewhat more expensive than the Asian version (simple opening in the ground, which can be supplemented with a plastic commode – see picture below). Since this is not a very hygienic option we aim to finance the Western model. Our staff on site would take care of the implementation and have already requested an estimate. The total  cost is expected at around 940 Euros (connection of the water line, water tank, plumber, building material and labor). Our next doantion batch will be on its way in August and we would be happy about support for this project, knowing so would Pradip and his family. We will regularly keep you updated on the progress of this campaign at our website:




Sponsorship for Aatimaya and her grandkids  in Chitwan

This 72 year old widow lives along with her grandchildren Aayush (13) and Aayusha (8) in Aayuralitar, Chitwan district. The mother of the siblings left the family years ago and their father drinks alcohol  and does not take care of his children at all. Therefore  Aatimaya has taken on caring for Aayush and his sister, but this task is proving increasingly difficult for her, Though she keeps a few goats and chickens there is never enough to feed her grandchildren and herself. She is no longer in the position to pay for school items, which the children need. The two are attending Shree Ghanesh Rastriya Secondary School in the village, leading up to 10th grade. From now on the family has a sponsosorship to help them out with daily needs, food supplies plus school materials for Aayush und Aayusha.



New dentures for Rabhi from Lingling, Briddhim

In January we started an aid campaign to support 50 year old Rabhi. She had been repeatedly suffering from severe tooth aches since last year already. At a clinic in Kathamndu she was told that her entire set of teeth needed to be restored. In order to cover the required costs we succeeded in collecting 900 Euros. Right after Lhosar Rabhi was really due to start her dental treatment. However our donations, which were transferred to Nepal in April, could not be handed over, yet, as they continue to be stuck in the NGO account. Week by week new documentts are demanded in order to release them. There seem to be corruption attempts. We are really hoping to see these funds delivered by July, as everyone there is awaiting the support.

Meanwhile Rabhi was able to borrow the necessary amount and visit the dentist in Kathmandu one week ago. She had to endure an extensive procedure. 15 teeth had to be replaced, 7 needed a root canal treatment. The remaining were cleaned. Her treatment amounted to 913 Euro.s. Rabhi is happy and content with her new teeth. She is gratefel to be able to eat without problems now and also for not having to hide her teeth when smiling any longer!



Good proceeds at TID Tibet Festival

In taking part at  the German Tibet Initiative’s Tibet Festival on June 8th in Berlin we managed to make 400 Euros. The event was well attended and there was a keen interest in our shop items. In addition we could spread the word to promote our projects. A tour organizer, we made acquaintance with, is considering adding us to their travel program. They offer trips to the Himalayan region, including visits to various project sites. We will look into this offer and fill you in on this shortly. 100% of the  proceeds from our sales stand will be used to benefit our projects and we are appreciative of every single Euro.




Good news for Pradip and family in Chitwan

On June 5th we introduced ill Pradip and his family. After his accident and the severe injury, the family father suffered, his whole family was caught in a bad situation more than eight months ago. Since we posted our initial appeal for donations we could already gather 740 Euros. His treatment is estimated at this point to last about another six months. Additional costs involve sanitary napkins. These requirements of around 670 Euros can already be covered. In addition three kind people took on sponsorships to help this family with a total of 60 Euros per month, thus securing their main  needs: food and a few school items for the children. Our staff on site visited them today and delivered a first batch of groceries and hygiene products. Also good to know: Pradip’s medical treatment has been started. The entire family is deeply grateful for  this support.



Invitation for Tibet festival of TID, featuring our Tibet Tshoesem sales booth!

Tomorrow, on June  8th the German Tibet Initiative (TID) will be hosting a „Tibet Festival“ on the occasion of their 35th anniversary. We will be representing Tibet Tshoesem there with a benefit sales stand. The event program (movies, music, dancing, food) is accessible at this link: Tibet Festival am 8. Juni in Berlin

Part of the program will be hosted in the outdoor area, also facilitating the sales stands, which is open to everyone. For admission to the inside stage area TID will be charging 13 Euros per person.

Within the frame of our benefit sale we are offering lots of beautiful merchandise from India and Nepal. Much of it cannot be found in our online shop, yet: yak wool blankets, scarves, bags, Tibetan shirts, traditional jackets, Indian kurtas, wall hangings, malas, CD’s and more.

We are inviting you to spend a few nice hours among Tibetans and friends of Tibet, with interesting input, Tibetan music and food. Maybe you will find your new favorite pretty Indian or Nepali item. As always the proceeds of everything sold he will be used to finance various of our projects.

Event location: „Alte Münze“, Molkenmarkt 2, 10179 Berlin (starts at  3.00 p.m.)

 (Copyright TID)


Call for help from Chitwan – support urgently needed!

We received news from our staff about the critical situation of a family of five, in a neighboring village. Unfortunately they only learned of it today. 34 year old Pradip, his 28 year old wife Sita and their three children Anita (13), Prabin (9) and Pranisha (5) live in Mangaltadi Bhandara Village. This family was getting by just fine until 8 months ago. Although the young parents themselves never had a chance to attend school and Pradip had to work hard in day labor to provide for his family, he managed to work his way up to become foreman of a group of construction workers, this way making up to 200 Euros per month. The couple was thus able to build a small, but stable house and send the kids to a free public school. Then however, as is quite common in Nepal, misfortune struck. While at his work at a construction site, Pradip fell from the 3rd floor of a building and was seriously injured. We are still awaiting medical results, but it seems that he injured his back and legs. Since the accident Pradip is no longer able to extend his legs. He was prescribed physical therapy, which costs around 3 Euros per session – at least 15 session would be necessary, though- an amount, which the family can simply not afford anymore. All their savings were eaten up by the hospital treatment.

Pradip and his wife have no financial backup left. The doctor estimated that Pradip might be able to walk somehow again in 6 months time – given that he receives proper treatment. But there is nothing left to even pay for food and the family is currently starving. Sometimes neighbors assist them with a sack of rice but they are in despair, for the situation will only get worse. Just before Pradip’s accident Sita became pregnant once more. The baby is due soon and with a heavy heart the parents have decided to give their new child away, since they see themselves unfit to feed it. In addition Sita has to take care of handicapped Pradip around the clock. He cannot even go to the toilet by himself. Pradip did have plans to build an external toilet right near the house, but the accident prevented him. Now the family has to go to the open field or use their neighbor’s toilet.

We do hope for Pradip to recover and regain his ability to support the family again. Up until then we would like to help out with a steady sponsorship for this family’s basic supply and also Pradip’s essential treatment. We already received 70 Euros to cover medical procedures and transport to the doctor. To secure a steady support a sponsorship of at least 50 Euros will be needed. Needless to say partial sponsorships would also be of great help.




Our latest school sponsorship in Briddhim

11 year old Zyampa Tamang from Thuman was able to start her education at Gosainkunda English Boarding School in August of 2023 through extra donations. Prior to that her parents had sent the girl to live at a monastery in Kirtipur; however she no longer wanted to be a nun, but much rather attend school. From now on she will have steady support, which will assure she can continue learning. Now Zyampa’s 8 year old sister Chhiring Yulung is still at home with her parents and hoping to also get the chance to become a pupil at Gosaikunda. Her parents can barely manage to provide for the most urgent needs, such as food and clothing. By means of work in the fields, which they depend on , they could never finance their daughter’s education costs.  For Chhiring Yulung to hope for a better future she needs that education and for now has to depend on a sponsor to enable her. With that support the sisters could study and live there together.




Sun Maya and her children also need additional support

44 year old widow Sun Maya and her three sons in Barintar Village recently acquired a first partial sponsorship of 10 Euros. Another partial one was just terminated, which is why we are urgently seeking new support for this family in need. The eldest son, Rajkumar unfortunately did not pass the exams at the end of last school term, thus failed 7th grade. He is discouraged and will drop out of school, while his brothers Milan (11) and Lal Kumar (12) are still attending a public school, free of charge. Still Sun Maya cannot afford school supplies: uniforms and writing utensils etc. Though she keeps a few cows and chickens she can no longer even manage to provide enough food for her children. Neighbors are helping her out with used clothing for the kids sometimes, but the family desperately needs steady support. Thanks to numerous extra donations we were able to cover a first amount on their behalf as part of our transfer in April. To permanently ensure the children’s care, though, they will require further sponsorships. 40 Euros per month are still lacking. As usual in this case, too, shared sponsorships are possible.




New sponsorship for a boy in Chitwan – support still needed for his brothers

We were able to add a new sponsorship very recently for 14 year old Thul Badar from Chitwan. This addition to our program is so recent in fact, that we did not have the chance to share information about it so far. The family of five lives in Thakaltar Village. Thul Badar’s 37 year old father sometimes manages to find work in house and road construction. Dhan Maya, his 39 year old mother takes care of the goats, they keep and tends to the tiny piece of land behind their house. This way they try to support themselves. Their three sons,  Thul Badar, Tikaram (12) and Bisne (7) attend Shree Thakaltar Secondary School, a state run institution free from charge, which enables pupils to graduate with up to 12 years of schooling.

The means to provide school material, such as uniforms and whatever else the children may need in their everyday school life, are not available though, after the parents have made ends meet at home with their meager income. For this reason they require our help. 10 Euros are needed per child and month. Until Thul Badar’s brothers also find supporters the starting amount of 10 Euros will be distributed among all three siblings. We are hoping for Tikaram and Bisne to be matched with regular sponsors soon. 30 cents a day are bound to have a great impact on the lives of these children.



New school term started at Gosaikunda English Boarding School

In April a new school year started also at Gosainkunda English Boarding School in Syabrubesi. By this time our donations were supposed to be delivered there; however Nepali authorities are taking an extraordinary amount of time with completing the process and our NGO in Briddhim ist still waiting for the deposit and to actually receive the payment. This time we managed to gather and transfer school fees worth 25.008 Euros and were once again in the lucky position to also cover the needs of those children, who have insufficient or no longer sponsorships at all. In addition seven new children could be enrolled.

Therefore by now 95 students are enabled to attend boarding school and five additional ones to attend day school. All children and youths are fine. They have passed their exams and all of them moved up to the next class. We are grateful to all those people, sponsors, friends and supporters, who made it possible for these kids to continue learning there.



More new sponsorships for families in Chitwan

Three needy families at once got lucky and each acquired their first partial sponsorship. Rasmita, her husband Sonam Singh and their son Aakash, as well as Harimaya, her husband Ramsharan and their children Sonika and Samir are living in Bhalpani Villag. A third family – Kamala, her husband Rup Bahadur, their own two children plus two nephews, they are caring for- are from Thakaltar. None of them are able to sufficiently provide for food or school utensils. We are delighted about the sponsor’s valuable support for all these people. We would like to find additional sponsors to complete the amounts between 10 and 30 Euros, which are still needed.




Newcomers in our  Briddhim sponsorship program

57 year old Mingmar Dolma and her 62 year old husband Lharkyal Mingur from Pelko are both without formal education. Without any piece of land to call their own they rely on irregular employment as farmers. In addition to this Mingamr cannot properly use one of her hands. Due to a congenital malformation her hand is underdeveloped and lacks physical strength, thus cannot be used for work. Still Mingamr is always searching for work on the fields of other farmers, who are lucky enough to own some land. Behind her hut she grows some vegetables for their own use. The couple has five grown children, one of whom is deaf. None of them are able to support their elderly parents. Like so many others in this impoverished region Mingmar and Lharkyal have considerable trouble paying for everyday neccessities, such as food, since even day labor is hard to come by. This way the two are in financial straits and approached us, hoping for some kind of support. As we offer for all couples we would like to assist  Mingmar und Lharkyal with a monthly amount of 30 Euros. Shared sponsorship is possible at any amount of 10 Euros ad up.



New construction project at Gosainkunda English Boarding School in Syabrubesi

By now this private school  accomodates 98 of our sponsored children and provides education for 5 additional day students. They approached us recently for help with a buildung project, which  started there two months ago. A new two-story building is needed, causing the institution considerable financial difficulties. The ground floor is to be divided into three rooms: one classroom plus two more for the boarding students to change in and store their belongings. The first floor is planned for two teacher’s rooms.

Outr support will be limited to the children’s locker rooms, planned to measure 5 x 3,5 meters each. They will be used by 190 boarding students. The cost to cover these two rooms – building material and labor- is estimated at around 3.000 Euros.

The neccessity to add these rooms arose as there is no space to store clothes or luggage in the sleeping quarters. These items used to be stored in an extra room outside, which is in fact only a corrugated-iron hut with an increasingly leaky roof and damp walls. The children go to this room to change in the morning and later on to switch their uniform for sports clothes or leisure wear. It has been raining in for a while, soaking clothes and bags, allowing insects and other small animals to intrude and actually often  gnaw on things, stored there.

The new bulding is to be more sturdy and safe for a good storage of the children’s belongings. Most likely we will not succeed in gathering the total amount needed, but we attempt to support the school management with a helpful chunk of it at any rate. Project updates and a look at the current amount of funds for this are available at:




New school sponsorships in Briddhim

15 year old Soyana, whom we could enroll for school three and a half years ago, lost one of her partial sponsorships a while ago. From now on the needed support and her school education are once again fully secured.. 7 year old Sarmila, who started school last December, did not have any sponsorship at all so far.  Now she has acquired several shared sponsorships! We are happy for these children and also for the fact, that this way other kids, still waiting to go to school, will be able to move up on the waiting list.




Donation handover in Chitwan is nearly complete

Our first batch of this year’s donations was transferred to Chitwan around a month ago. The delivery of these funds had to be postponed this time, as our staff on site had to submit documents to the head office, which were implemented recently for withdrawing money from any NGO-account.

We had transferred 2.003 Euros in total to the Himalayan Human Service Welfare Society. 1.488 Euros out of this amount were meant for recipients with sponsorships (four families, three additional children, three elderly couples). 470 Euros were handed to people, who do not have steady sponsorships, yet (three families) and 45 Euros went towards customs fees, which Dil Bahadur had to advance for packages from sponsors. Our staff went to buy food, clothing, school supplies, in some case also cooking utensils, for instance for the widow Sun Maya and her sons. They also handed out a small amount in cash, the remaining funds are managed by the NGO. This way we assure their appropriate use.

Those families, whom we were not able to find sponsors for so far ((Rakesh and mother Ful Maya / Rasmita, Sonam Singh and son Aakash / Kamala, Rup Bahadur and 4 children) were very happy to receive help even without a steady supporter on their side. We are looking forward to hopefully finding sponsors for them soon, especially since there are more and more people in need, we get enquiries about and it becomes increasingly difficult to support them all by means of extra donations. All beneficiaries are well and Reena and Dil Bahadur met many bright eyes. Everyone is grateful for all the help from far away. We, too, want to say thank you for the support these destitute people could be provided with all your donations!



Additional new families as part of our sponsorship program need help in Chitwan

During the past few days we were informed about further families in need, living in and around 

Aappani Village in Chitwan. There are two families of six and another couple with two children. All of them are living in extremely poor conditions and are barely able so provide for basic needs. On top of that it has become impossible for them to cover school materials for their children, which are indispensable for the children in order to continue their education. Essential background information on all these families can be found at our website: We are hoping we can provide them with regular support through sponsorship very soon. Till then every Euro of extra contributions is greatly appreciated!




Donation handover in Dharamsala and Bir / Chauntra

At the beginning of April we transferred the most recent donations to India as well. They amounted  to 11.772 Euros this time.  5.198 Euros out of this sum are to assist Tse Chokling Monastery. 6.574 Euro were given on behalf of the other recipients in Dharamsala und Bir / Chauntra. Among these are two monks and three nuns, who don’t live at monasteries, some of whom require extensive medical care. Furthermore there are four people, living alone, five families, receiving help for their children’s school or college fees + two additional pupils and one college student. Except for one family, currently in Delhi to visit family, and one student of TCV Chauntra, all of them could already be handed their respective financial aid. Everybody is really grateful for the support received, which will be used towards rent, food, school fees and medication/check-ups. On behalf of all recipients we would like to thank all sponsors and supporters from the bottom of our hearts!




Family of five now part of our sponsorship program

This 41 year old mother, Ratnamaya Muktan,  lives in Thakaltar Village., raising her four children on her own. Their father left the family two years ago, which causes  Ratnamaya severe difficulties in caring for her children’s daily needs. She never had a chance to attended school and does backbreaking work on construction sites, emploeyed only o a daily basis. This way she has no steady income. Kabir (13), Karishma (10), Kareena (8) and Kabin (6) go to Shree Thakaltar Secondary School, which does not charge fees, however school mareirla, such as copies, writing utensils and uniforms alsop eed to be considered, and  Ratnamaya hardly has anything left to cover those demands. especailly for the oldr children, Kabir und Karishma, who require extra things, such as triangular rulers or geometry compasses. Even providing them with a few rupees to buy snacks druing school hours is no longer possible for her. These children urgently need support and we would welcome one or more sponsors, willing to contribute a total sum of 50 Euros per month.



Donation handover at the elderly caring home in Kathmandu

A few days ago the next donation handover took place at Metta Nepal Elderly Caring Home. We could wire 892 Euros on behalf of the institution this time. 780 Euros were shares contributed for eight residents with regular sponsorships and one resident without. Another 120 Euros were common donations. Each sponsorship amount of 25 Euros per month includes 10 Euros, which are handed directly to the beneficiaries. They are free to spend this sum on personal items. The remaining amount secures their medical treatment and the institution’s upkeep.

We are hoping to bring more sponsorships into being in order to help maintain this valuable place for old and disabled people. All residents are fine these days and were pleased and grateful for all the loving support.



New children starting school in Syabrubesi

Yesterday seven new children could be enrolled at Gosainkunda English Boarding School: three pairs of siblings and one additional girl. All of them are between 7 and 11 years old already and we are very much pleased to know that, thanks to their sponsors, they will be given access to education. It is always beautiful to see brothers and sisters finding support at the same time. This way leaving home for school is not quite so difficult and the children can continue living together and supporting each other.

Since some families have moved away, some children have left the school since the beginning of our school project in Briddhim. Currently we are maintaining 98 sponsorships at the boarding school plus five more students, attending day school.



First donation handover of the year 2024

We have been preparing the money transfer to India as well as Nepal since early April. Yesterday the last amount went out to its destination. After our first bank transfer at the beginning of the month the allocated sums changed once more. The following donation amounts made up the final distribution:


  • Dharamsala and Bir / Chauntra: 6.574 €
  • Tse Chokling Monastery: 5.198 €

in total: 11.772 €


  • Chitwan: 2.003 €
  • Hope & Challenge in Kathmandu: 9.261 € (children’s home: 6.089 € / elderly caring home: 892 € / recipients in the city of Kathmandu: 2.280 €)
  • Briddhim villages: 11.490 €
  • Gosainkunda English Boarding School Syabrubesi: 25.008 €

   in total:  47.762 €

The donations have already reached Kathmandu, Chitwan and India and will be distributed by our staff shortly. As usual all sponsors will receive pictures of the handover, detailed information about the actual amount and updates regarding their sponsored person’s situation. On behalf of all recipients in Nepal and India we want to express our deep felt gratitude to all sponsors and donors for the many contributions and continued support!



New school sponsorship in Briddhim

The couple Phurbo Dickyi (26) and Lhakpa Dhondup (38) live in Gompa Ganj village in the Briddhim region. Their house is hardly more than a simple shelter, for the family has always been poor. They are farmers and their small income is just enough to cover daily meals and clothing. There are no other income options for them in the region. This way it proved impossible to save some money towards the children’s education. 9 year old Pasang Dolkar, the eldest, used to go to the public school in the village. This school closed however and will not reopen. We managed to enroll her at Gosaikunda English Boarding School in December of 2023 and now she has found a kind sponsor at last – someone, whose support will ensure her getting the education she deserves. Dolkar’s younger sister Tenzin Youtsu, who is about to turn 6, is still with her parents. The entire family would be relieved, if both girls were able to live and grow up together at the boarding school. Now we are hoping for a sponsor to be found, who might support Youtsu as well.




New aid project started in Chitwan

In summer of 2023 we launched our first action to support the Shree Rastryia Primary School in Bhandara Shikharbasti, attended mostly by children of poor families. This is an institution in the community of Rapti, where we maintain an aid program. Last year we financed a drinking fountain and 16 electric fans. This primary school covers 1st through 5th grade. At this point there are 150 students. Six teachers give lessons in Nepali, English, Math, Science, Social Study, Health Education and Local History/Geography.

Although there are no fees for attending public schools in Chitwan and school books are also provided free from charge, items such as exercise books, writing utensils, school bags or uniforms still need to be paid for by the families, who are mostly unable to afford them. This turns out to be a frequent reason, why children don’t attend school any longer, and instead have to get involved in supporting the family, which means a permanently lost chance to continue their education.

In order to help these poor families we aim to collect donations for the most urgently needed school supplies, starting right away- specifically exercise books and pens for one school term- which are planned to be handed over before the beginning of each term. The first such event is scheduled for April of 2025.

  • cost per school set (12 exercise books + 12 pens) = 700 NPR (5 Euros)
  • requirement for 150 students = 750 Euros

The exact amount of needed school sets will be communicated by the beginning of the new year. We can then adjust the exact amount needed. Since we are talking about a rather large sum of money we intend to collect for this purpose throughout the entire year, hoping to gather the needed amount before the school term will start again. Project updates can be found at:



Newsletter „Spring 2024“

Today our current newsletter went online, accessible (in German) at Newsletter Frühjahr 2024.

Enjoy reading!



Donation transfer to India and Nepal

Today our most recent batch of donations went on the way, which we are presenting in India as well as Nepal this month. Our recipients in North India will be handed the amounts, gathered throughout the past six months (Nov. 2023 – Apr. 2024). Our beneficiaries in Nepal receive the amounts of the past 4 months (Jan. – Apr. 2024). The following sums were accumulated:

  • Dharamsala and Bir / Chauntra: 6.574 Euros
  • Tse Chokling Monastery in Dharamsala: 3.398 Euros
  • Hope & Challenge (elderly caring home, children’s home + further recipients in Kathmandu): 9.261 Euros
  • Chitwan: 2.003 Euros

Two more amounts, the donations to aid our school sponsorship project in Briddhim plus the elderly people and families in Briddhim, will be sent out before long. As soon as they have reached their purpose we will report about it as usual.



New sponsors needed for children in Briddhim

While some children have acquired sponsorship for the first time and will start school shortly, others have just lost part of their support. 10 year old Pasang Yangchen and 13 year old Soyana, both of whom started school a few years ago, have unfortunately each lost one of their shared sponsorships. Besides them there is the Kami family of six. The four children of Manmaya and Samita in Syabrubesi, who are attending day school, do no longer have complete support. All of these kids require additional sponsorship and we hope we will soon succeed in finding new backers to ensure their education. This way none of these children face the threat of having to drop out of school. We can cover the needed amounts with extra donations for now, but in the long run only regular sponsorship will secure the children’s schooling.




And yet another school sponsorship in Briddhim

Now 8 year old Bejay from Gompa Ganj has also found a kind sponsor. Bejay’s older brother Ajay was already matched with a sponsor a few months ago and is awaiting his enrollment next week. We are happy to see both brothers having a start together at Gosainkunda English Boarding School in Syabrubesi.




Finally: second shared sponsorship for little Sara from Karabari, Briddhim

Sara Tamang, who by now is 9 years old already, could already start school four years ago at Gosainkunda English Boarding School in Syabrubesi. Her mother Phurbo Dolma was raising her and her younger brother Rajan on her own, since their father had left the family. She was deeply grateful to see her daughter move into the boarding school thanks to her sponsorships. Almost two years ago Sara lost one of her sponsorships and we managed to cover the missing amount through extra donations in the meantime. But now a second sponsor is offering assistance, to complete the needed monthly amount. With that Sara’s school fee is once again secured and she can remain  at the boarding school, to live and learn along with her brother Rajan, who also benefits from school sponsorship. After Rajan’s enrollment Phurbo Dolma went to work abroad. It would have been all the more sad if Sara would have had to quit school.



Additional help for the widow Sun Maya and her children in Chitwan

After our last appeal we found one more sponsor to support this 44 year old widow Sun Maya in Chitwan. Sun Maya has to fend for herself and her three adolescent sons mostly on her own. Two partial sponsorships are now providing 30 Euros per month and only 20 more Euros are lacking to cover this families regular needs. We hope to acquire one or two more sponsors before long.



Neue Patenschaften für Bedürftige in Chitwan

Die beiden Brüder Anish (7) und Sanish (4) in Aappani Village können sich ab sofort über eine Patenschaft freuen. Erst vor drei Tagen hatten wir über diese Familie hier informiert. Dank der Unterstützung ist nun ihre Grundversorgung mit den wichtigsten Schulsachen gesichert.

Auch für eine 4-köpfige Familie in Barintar Village konnten wir eine erste Teil-Patenschaft von 10 Euro vermitteln. Die 44-jährige Witwe Sun Maya zieht ihre drei Kinder alleine groß, denn ihr Mann ist bereits vor fünf Jahren bei einem Unfall umgekommen. Als Tagelöhner verdiente er ein wenig Geld mit dem Sammeln von Gras für Ziegen. Eines Tages war er dabei von einem Berghang abgestürzt und an den Folgen der Verletzungen gestorben.

Sun Maya muss seitdem ihre Kinder alleine versorgen, was sie nicht mehr schafft. Sie schickt ihre drei Söhne (Milan – 11, Lal Kumar – 12, Rajkumar – 15) auf eine – kostenlose, staatliche – Schule, denn obwohl der Bedarf durchaus besteht, sollen sie nicht arbeiten gehen, sondern mal eine Schulausbildung erhalten. Doch die Kinder wachsen, brauchen mehr Lebensmittel und so fällt es der Mutter immer schwerer alle satt zu kriegen. Für zusätzliche Schulsachen, die auch bei einem Schulbesuch an staatlichen Schulen von den Familien selbst finanziert werden müssen, wie Bücher, Kopien, Stifte, Schultaschen und Uniformen, ist überhaupt kein Geld mehr da. Für die Grundversorgung benötigt die Familie weitere 40 Euro im Monat, wobei die Versorgung mit den notwendigen Schulutensilien mit inbegriffen ist. 




Spenden für Hygieneartikel im Pflegeheim in Kathmandu benötigt

Die Patenschaften, die wir für die Bewohner des Metta Nepal Elderly Caring Home anbieten, helfen in erster Linie bei der medizinischen Versorgung. Leider haben erst acht der insgesamt 34 Bewohner eine solche Patenschaft.
Um das Heim effektiver zu unterstützen, werden wir von nun an immer wieder mal für unterschiedliche, spezifische Bedarfe Extra-Spenden sammeln und wir beginnen nun mit Windeln, Masken und Handschuhen, die regelmäßig gekauft werden müssen, da einige dieser lieben älteren Menschen von Inkontinenz betroffen sind. 
Pro Monat werden 30 Packungen Windeln (300 Stück), 10 Packungen Handschuhe und 5 Packungen Masken benötigt. Die monatlichen Kosten liegen bei 180 Euro. Hierfür werden dringend Spenden benötigt und gerne würden wir mit der nächsten Spendenüberweisung im April schon den Betrag für einen ersten Monatsbedarf mitschicken.




Wieder Paten für zwei Brüder in Chitwan gesucht
Heute haben wir nochmals neue Daten zu einer bedürftigen Familie in Chitwan erhalten, für deren Kinder wir nun Paten suchen. Es handelt sich um Anita, die Schwester unseres Mitarbeiters Dil Bahadur, deren Mann Kumar und die beiden Söhne Anish (7) und Sanish (4).
Die Großeltern der Kinder – Ful Maya und Santa Bahadur – haben ebenfalls eine Patenschaft bei uns, da sie völlig mittellos sind.
Die Familie lebt in Aappani Village und es geht ihnen ein wenig besser als den meisten anderen, die wir in Chitwan unterstützen, da Anita und Kumar eine kleine Hühnerzucht betreiben. Wenn sie weitere Lebensmittel benötigen, die das kleine Feld, auf dem sie Gemüse für den Eigenbedarf anbauen, nicht hergibt, können sie diese dank der Einnahmen durch den Verkauf von Hühnern bezahlen. So gelang es ihnen auch erste Schuluniformen für ihre beiden Söhne zu kaufen.
Anish und Sanish gehen wie alle Kinder aus armen Familien in der Region auf eine kostenlose staatliche Schule. Anish geht in die 3. Klasse, Sanish ist in der Vorschule, kommt aber bald in die erste Klasse. Es werden nun immer mehr Schulmaterialien benötigt. Die Kinder wachsen und brauchen neue Kleidung, Schuhe für den Schulbesuch.
Um dafür aufzukommen, reicht der Familie das Geld nicht. Für Anish und Sanish suchen wir daher Paten, die die Kinder bei der Grundversorgung für wichtige Schulsachen unterstützen, wie Hefte, Stifte, manchmal eine neue Uniform oder Schuhe. Der notwendige monatliche Patenschaftsbeitrag liegt bei 10 Euro pro Kind, also gerade einmal 33 Cent am Tag.


Weitere Patenschaften für bedürftige Menschen in Chitwan

Innerhalb kürzester Zeit haben Hira Maya, ihr Mann Pratap Singh und ihre drei Enkelinnen Yunisha (8), Marisha (5) und Jonisha (1), die in Thakaltar Village leben, Patenschaften gefunden. Gleich drei Patinnen teilen sich die Versorgung der Familie. Dank der Unterstützung werden sie sich nun besser ernähren können und Yunisha und Marisha, die auf eine staatliche Schule gehen, werden all die notwendigen Dinge erhalten, die sie für ihren Schulalltag benötigen.

Auch ein älteres, völlig mittelloses Paar wird nun mit einer Patenschaft unterstützt. Die 65-jährige Thuli Maya und ihr 74-jähriger Mann Bhim Lal leben im Dorf Aayuralitar. Bhim Lal ist aufgrund seines Alters nicht mehr in der Lage als Tagelöhner im Haus- oder Straßenbau zu arbeiten und Thuli Maya leidet unter Bluthochdruck und Diabetes. Das bisschen Gemüse, das die beiden selbst anbauen, reicht kaum für eine ausreichende Ernährung und so sind wir froh, dass sie sich nun mit Hilfe der Patenschaft besser versorgen können.




Zwei große Familien in Chitwan benötigen Hilfe

Wieder haben uns unsere Mitarbeiter in Chitwan über neue Bedürftige informiert. Es handelt sich um zwei große Familien, die in Thakaltar leben. Kamala (34) und Rup Bahadur Thing (30) haben vier Kinder zu versorgen, wobei die beiden Mädchen Pramila (8) und Saya (2) ihre eigenen Kinder sind. Die beiden Jungen Yukesh (12) und Yulove (8) sind Neffen, Kinder eines Bruders von Rup Bahadur. Vor vier Jahren verließ zuerst der Vater der Jungen die Familie, dann ging auch die Mutter weg und so blieben sie bei Onkel und Tante. Die Arbeit Rup Bahadurs als Tagelöhner reicht nicht für eine gute Versorgung der großen Familie.

Das ältere Paar Hira Maya (56) und Pratap Singh (65) muss sich um ihre drei Enkelinnen Yunisha (8), Marisha (5) und Jonisha (1) kümmern. Der Vater der Mädchen hatte die Familie verlassen, als seine Frau mit der Jüngsten schwanger war. Er wollte keine Töchter mehr haben, sondern endlich einen Sohn – leider noch immer ein häufiger Grund, aus dem Frauen von ihren Männern in Nepal sitzengelassen werden. Die Mutter der Kinder verrichtete weiterhin schwere Arbeit im Haus- und Straßenbau, doch alleine gelang es ihr nicht mehr ihre Kinder zu ernähren und so zog sie zu ihren Eltern zurück. Anfang 2024 entschied sie sich dann nach Kuwait zu gehen um Geld zu verdienen, doch die Familie hat keinen Kontakt mehr zu ihr und sie befürchten, dass sie nicht mehr zurückkommen wird.

Beide Familien sind arm und können sich gerade so ernähren. Für Schulmaterialien der Kinder, Uniformen, Schultaschen und etwas zu Essen für die Stunden in der Schule ist kein Geld da. Die drei Enkel und ihre Großeltern haben heute umgehend schon eine erste Teil-Patenschaft von 20 Euro gefunden, wofür wir sehr dankbar sind. Diese Familie benötigt nur noch einen weiteren Betrag von 30 Euro. Kamala, Rup Bahadur und ihre vier Kinder benötigen 50 Euro pro Monat und wir hoffen so schnell wie möglich Paten für sie zu finden. Teil-Patenschaften ab 10 Euro helfen bereits.




Hörgeräte für zwei Bewohner des Pflegeheims in Kathmandu

Eine unserer Patinnen, die ein Kind in Briddhim und auch ein Kind im Dickyi Tsering Home in Kathmandu mit Patenschaften unterstützt, ist vor ein paar Tagen nach Nepal gereist. Neben dem Kinderheim hat sie auch das Pflegeheim besucht und konnte bei dieser Gelegenheit zwei Hörgeräte überreichen, die ein anderer Pate zweier Mädchen im Kinderheim gespendet und uns geschickt hatte. Aus dem traurigen Anlass ist Hilfe für Bedürftige entstanden.

Heute hat Mingmar Gyalmu von Hope & Challenge die Geräte ins Pflegeheim gebracht und sie Thupten und Jangchuk Gelek gegeben, die beide nicht mehr gut hören können. Thupten ist 55 Jahre alt und wurde in Nepal als Sohn einer tibetischen Flüchtlingsfamilie geboren. Während seiner Zeit in der Armee gab es einen Unfall, durch den er sein Gehört fast vollständig verlor. Er lebt seit einigen Monaten im Heim und hat leider noch keine Patenschaft. Der andere Bewohner, der das zweite Gerät erhielt, ist Jangchuk Gelek. Er gehört zu den ersten Bedürftigen, die ins Heim nach dem Aufbau 2019 eingezogen waren. Jangchuk stammt aus Kham, Tibet, war dort Mönch und ging nach seiner Flucht 1959 nach Indien dort zur Armee. Später kam er nach Kathmandu, um seine kranke Schwester zu unterstützen, die dort zunächst als Nonne in einem Kloster lebte. Beide zogen 2019 ins Pflegeheim, da sie sich alleine nicht mehr versorgen konnten. Jangchuk hat eine Patenschaft, er ist 83 Jahre alt. Seine Schwester ist vor vier Jahren verstorben. Thupten und Jangchuk Gelek freuen sich sehr, dass sie nun dank der Hörgeräte wieder besser hören können.




Elderly couple in Chitwan in urgent need of assistance

Recently our staff members in Chitwan drew our attention to another, completely destitute couple of old people, living at a bare subsistence level. Thuli Maya is 65 years old, her husband Bhim Lal is 74. They spent their entire life in Aayuralitar village in Chitwan. Although the two have five grown children, some of whom are even earning money, the relationship between them and their sons-in-law is difficult. This way the young people are unwilling to support their elders. Due to his advanced age Bhim Lal is no longer capable of being a day laborer in road or building construction. Thuli Maya suffers from high blood pressure and diabetes. They provide for themselves by keeping of a few goats and chickens. But this hardly suffices to cover their daily needs. Healthy vegetables or necessary medication are unaffordable to them. That’s why we are in search of a sponsor, to support them regularly. 25 Euros per month would be adequate for covering basic supplies, but of course a partial sponsorship, starting at 10 Euros, would already help Thuli Maya und Bhim Lal a great deal.



Recent addition to our team!

For a long time we searched in vain for new members, to help with our work. And we finally scored! From now on there is a newcomer in our Tibet Tshoesem Team. Her name is Christine Walch and she is currently right in the middle of becoming acquainted with her new tasks. Christine will take over our project at Metta Nepal Elderly Caring Home in Kathmandu. After the upcoming donation handover in April she will all set to work independently. The entire team is happy about  her helping hands and wish her great pleasure in this rewarding work!



Tibetan New Year – Losar 2151

Today we greet the new Tibetan year of the Wood Dragon 2151. Tibetans all over the world celebrate this special day with prayers, offerings and other religious ceremonies. Special treats are prepared and events staged, featuring singing and dancing. At the monasteries large thangkas are hung up and some host the impressive Cham dances. Lo (“year“) -sar (“new“)  is a feast of joy and peaceful coexistence, while people living in Tibet currently have to endure ever greater repressions.

We wish all our Tibetan friends as well as Tibetans all over the world a happy and peaceful celebration and a blessed new year 2151! May it be an auspicious year filled with joy and health for all beings!



Sad news from Briddhim

Sad news reached us from Briddhim this time. 76 year old Yangchen passed away on February 3rd. Her body was cremated yesterday. Yangchen had been very ill for quite some time and her physical vitality was declining accordingly. She had been completely blind for 8 years now and in addition confined to bed for the past few years. Her son and daughter-in-law were taking care of her. We are glad, she was supported through a sponsorship for 4 years, which helped improve her care somewhat. Our thoughts and prayers are with Yangchen and her family.



Arrival of additional children at Dickyi Tsering Home in Kathmandu

Last month 3 new girls have joined the children’s home. We are talking about two 6 year old girls – Dhawa Lajum and Dhawa Puti – both of whom come from the remote Dolpo region in the Northwest of Nepal. They didn’t stand a chance of obtaining proper education there. In addition there is 16 year old Yeshi Dolma, daughter of a Tibetan refugee and a Sherpa woman, who grew up in a Tibetan refugee camp, situated in Ghunsa-Taplejung, a high region of the far Northeast, near the border to Tibet and Sikkim.  Her family, too, was way to poor, to afford a school education for their children. For this reason they sent Yeshi off to Kathmandu, expecting her to earn money as a maid there, so her younger siblings would be enabled to attend school. Without any education Yeshi would have most likely married soon and missed a valuable chance to escape the cycle of poverty. All three girls have found a caring home at Dickyi Tsering home and it would be swell, if they would soon be safely provided for, with the help of sponsorship.




New sponsorship at the children’s home in Kathmandu

Pasang Tamang, who is 16 years old by now, has lived at Dickyi Tsering Home, since it was founded in 2017. Now he has finally found regular sponsorship support. Pasang was born in the beautiful Solukhumbu highland in the Northeast of Nepal, close to the Tibetan border and the Mount Everest. His mother died, when he was only 6 months old and his father, who is addicted to alcohol, is an ordinary worker. When he remarried, his new wife was not accepted by his family and society. The father and stepmother were not in the position, to make school possible for Pasang. When he was 4 years old he was able to attend school for a short time, thanks to support through an aid organization, alas the financial support was soon discontinued. Thereupon his stepmother tried to come up with the necessary school fees, trying her luck as a street vendor, selling vegetables. However she had an accident and is since handicapped in the use of her hands and unable to work. She began to drink and started to beg in Boudhanath. Sometimes the two of them received food at Geshe Sonam Wangchen’s soup kitchen. Eventually she asked there for Pasang to be admitted at the children’s home, in order to enable him once again to go to school. He likes living there and is grateful to have this opportunity. We are really happy to see Pasang’s care at the children’s home secured through this sponsorship.




Start of a special aid campaign for Nyima Bhuti and Yugyal from Briddhim

One of our first assistance projects after the foundation of our organization was launched in 2017, to finish reconstruction of the home of Nyima Bhuti und Yugyal. Their old house had been destroyed in the severe Earthquake two years prior. Though Yugyal did own an additional little plot of land back then, it was situated in Pelko, which was undeveloped fallow land then – far away from anything. For this reason the family decided to rebuild their living quarters on the other piece of land in Briddhim. Three years ago the opportunity arose to utilize the other plot, when the road, leading from Kathmandu via Syabrubesi to Linling, Pelko (and planned to go further up North) was completed in 2020. The area surrounding his land was cleared and the street now leads right past it. In the course of the grubbing a lot of boulders were left over for Yugyal to use free from charge, to build a new small house, to be used as shelter, which he constructed without mortar. Meanwhile he grows vegetables there, keeps a cow and a few chickens, providing milk and eggs. However it soon became apparent, that the animals need to be attended, as attacks by wild animals are quite common in the villages, so Yugyal and Nyima Bhuti spent more and more time there.

They converted one room to serve as a kitchen, but the walls are not plastered, yet. Time and again snakes, rats and other animals intruded into the house; cold and rain blew in through the leaky roof. Eventually the idea was born, to make more reasonable use of this house in Pelko and to enhance it. Details are accessible on our website:

All previous activities Nyima Bhuti und Yugyal were able to accomplish either at no or low cost on their own. Relatives from Timure provided wood beams and the stone wall. To reconstruct the walls and floor of the ground level, as well as installing a sturdy flat ceiling, they will need our help. All in all 720 Euros will be necessary. Since this is not about a completely new building we are optimistic and are hoping to maybe gain the amount before the next donation transfer, coming up in April. As always donating is easily possible through our association’s account and also our Betterplace-project for Briddhim:

The use of this house will enable the two of them to be self-sufficient and rely less on our support. We are happy to jointly aim for that goal.




Losar preparations are underway at Tse Chokling monastery

On February 10th Tibetans all over the world will be celebrating the beginning of the new year 2151. It is designated as year of the dragon, while its associated element is wood. For several weeks now the monks have been working on the wonderful Tormas and other butter sculptures, adorned with flowers and other Buddhist symbols of fortune. Among other rituals all interiors are thoroughly cleaned in order to release the old year’s negative energy. Afterward all the fresh and positive to come is welcomed. Besides decorations of the houses with new prayer flags abundant delights are prepared to serve on the day of the celebration, such as delicious baked Khapse.




New sponsorships in Chitwan

Our new sponsorship project in Chitwan also saw some growth recently. We had been searching for support on behalf of 64 year old Santa Bahadur and his 68 year old wife Ful Maya for more than 6 months. They will both be supported by a kind sponsor from now on. The couple lives in Aappani village in Chitwan. They are completely destitute and both physically constrained due to poor health on top of that. Santa Bahadur and Ful Maya are the parents of our staff member Dil Bahadur, head of the NGO Himalayan Human Service Welfare Society. Altogether they have 9 grown children; however none of them have the means to support their parents. One son is already deceased. He was the father of the young man Rakesh, whom we assisted following  his severe  accident in 2022. Dil Bahadur and his wife Reena are also not in the financial position to be of much help in this case. Though they do earn a little it barely suffices to feed their little family. Their son is only able to attend a good school thanks to sponsorship. Ful Maya’s and  und Santa Bahadur’s sponsorship will secure their basic supply of food, occasional new clothing and medication in case of sickness from now on.

In addition Nirmaya Muktan (66) and her husband Singha Bahadur (72), who have just been admitted to our program, can rejoice, for they, too, will start benefitting from sponsorship. They also live in Aappani village and are among the poorest people of the region. They have raised 4 children, who unable to provide assistance, though. This way the elderly couple still has to engage in hard field labor, in order to somehow make ends meet. Unfortunately they have close to no land at their disposal, thus can grow only a tiny amount of vegetables for self-consumption. Nirmaya und Singha also keep a few goats and chickens to sell, when they need other groceries such as rice or oil. A few extra rupees are made by collecting firewood, but they just don’t have enough to cover their needs and often go hungry. Starting with the upcoming donation handover the two of them will finally be able to get enough food and at least no longer have to worry about their basic needs.




Newly acquired school sponsorship in Briddhim

10 year old Ajay is still living with his brother Bejay (8) and parents Mingmar Dolma and Kacha Tamang (both 39) in Gompa Ganj at the moment. This family, too, is very poor and can merely generate any income with work in the fields of landowners. Furthermore the boy’s mother is unable  to contribute much, since she suffers from asthma, which limits their options even more. The inconsistent earnings barely cover the basic needs of this family of four. Recently Kancha learned of our school sponosrship project from his cousin Mingyur. He is the father of Tempa Samden and Dawa Yamu, who both receive support through us. Their family feels great relief, their children have been able to attend boarding school since last summer. Now Ajay has just found a sponsor and can be enrolled with the beginning of the new school term, starting in April. The children’s parents would be particularly happy, if Bejay also found a sponsor, to give him access to an essential school education. It would be a pleasure and great help for both siblings to jointly start school and grow up there together.




Special aid program on behalf of Nima Singi from Lingling

37 year old Nima Singi and his wife live in Lingling, Briddhim. He makes a living working in construction as a day laborer.  The couple has one son (14), who has been living at a monastery in India for a number of years. For a while now Nima has been complaining about lethargy and abdominal pains, then his skin turned yellow. He made an appointment at the hospital in Dhunche, where a massively increased activity of liver enzymes was ascertained. His wife then took him to the Kathmandu Medical College, a private hospital in Kathmandu. There a hepatitis B infection was confirmed. Luckily so far no serious damage to the liver has resulted. For treatment he received a virostatic agent and is due for another check-up at the hospital before long.

The current expenses of the treatment, transport and accommodation (since the couple has no relatives in Kathmandu) amount to 130 Euros. Nima was able to cover part of it himself; the remaining portion he borrowed and has to pay it back, which is simply not possible for him. For the upcoming check-up another 130 Euros will be due. Nima and his wife have no financial means to cover such amounts; however this follow-up is very important, in order to see whether the medication is effective at all. We want to support this family with 260 Euros, to cover medical and further charges.




Sponsor needed for a destitute family in Chitwan

Today we received personal details of a family of four from Barintar Village, Chitwan, which is one among the poorest in the region. Sun Maya is 44 years old. She raises her three children on her own, since she lost her husband in a work accident 5 years ago. Ever since she has been the sole provider of her children, which she can just not longer manage. Her three sons (11, 12 and 15 years old) attend a public school, free of charge. Although there is so much need, the mother is convinced, they ought not to work but focus on their school education. However the boys are growing, they require more food and it is getting increasingly difficult for Sun Maya, to provide enough food for them. To try and make a living, she keeps a few cows and chickens, also grows vegetables for self-supply, but it is never enough anymore, to care for all them. Additional school supplies, such as books, copies, pens, school bags and uniforms have to be financed by the parents at a public school as well. And there is simply no money for these necessities. To ensure a basic care the family requires 50 Euros a month. This amount includes the most urgent school utensils. On top of this the family barely has any furniture. There are no beds. Sometimes neighbors hand them down some used clothing. We are considering this situation and will inquire, if the family wishes for us to address this issue as well. As usual there is also an option of partial sponsorship. Every Euro makes a difference.

Further information about this family can be found at our website:




Pempa Dolkar’s condition is further improving, but additional donations will be required

Throughout the past 10 days the infection of Pempa’s ankle joint decreased significantly, nevertheless there are still open wounds on both sides. These will need to be covered with skin grafts of the other leg, which is not expected be easy, as the wounds are quite large. On top of this she developed a second focus of inflammation on her back and because she lost a lot of blood throughout the surgeries, she also required blood transfusions. All in all she is feeling much better, though. Her doctors are estimating an expected stay of 2-4 more weeks and additional surgeries to be required.

By now the hospital costs amount to 7.000 Euros. To enable the girl’s family to finally settle the initial bills we transferred 3.135 Euros to the NGO of our staff members in Briddhim a few days ago. Eventually the claim will keep rising, possibly up to 10.000 Euros in total.

While the family is overwhelmed with relief, to see their daughter survived, they are nevertheless in great sorrow, regarding the expenses, which they would  never be able to cover. So we raised the total amount, we would like to help them with, and now aim to gather 5.000 Euros. Currently we have reached an amount of 3.325 Euros. Most likely we will not be able to contribute more than the pursued 5.000,  as we are involved in several medical aid campaigns for different people. However we would be pleased to come up with the remaining 1.600 Euros.



Donation handover in Kathmandu complete

All donations belonging to the third and last trimester of 2023 to Nepal were transferred by December 7th, to aid those in need in and around Kathmandu. These donations are always payed to the NGO Hope & Challenge under the lead of Geshe Sonam Wangchen. Unfortunately it took quite some time, before the delivery could get under way and it took until yesterday to execute the last recipient’s handover.

We were able send 8.045 Euros altogether this time. Beside 4.620 Euros to support the children’s home and 1.080 Euros for the assisted living facility, 2.355 Euros were provided for further needy people in Kathmandu. These include three families, a young disabled woman and a nun with her ill brother. All recipients appreciated these donations, which will make their daily life a lot easier.

With this the total annual donation handovers for 2023 to Nepal as well as India are complete. Meanwhile we are already in the middle of this year’s outreach events. The total amount, we were able to transfer throughout the past year, thanks to all our supporters, comes to 139.725 Euros. It cannot be said often enough what great gratitude we feel.



Special aid campaign for 50 year old Rabhi from Pelko

The dire status of Rabhis teeth has been an obstacle to her for many years, but she coped somehow. In early December of 2023 she finally had a dental exam, carried out by the physician of a  medical camp. This is a team of doctors from Dhunche, who visit the villages from time to time, offering smaller medical treatments, but mainly examinations. Meanwhile she had developed a persistent toothache. So one tooth was extracted on the spot, but a few days later the pain increased, her jaw was swollen and she needed to consult a clinic in Dhunche. An inflammation was confirmed there and she was told, she would require a root canal treatment, however would have to go to Kathmandu for that.

We have maintained a sponsorship for Rabhi’s granddaughter Asmeeta for several years.  Now Rabhi had to borrow money and her daughter took her to Kalyan Dental Clinic in Swayambhunath. The RCT was conducted straight away and she was advised to urgently have her entire set of teeth treated. Dental imprints were taken and four additional teeth pulled. Eight old teeth may be saved, but she will need to have dental bridges put in – to replace 15 teeth of the upper and lower jaw in total. Due to the great extent of the treatment this happens to be the most expensive dental case – five altogether- we have assisted to finance so far. An advance payment of 360 Euros was due right at treatment initiation. She managed to borrow this amount from our staff members; however the entire amount is estimated at 125.000 NPR by her doctor, which equals around 900 Euros. Since Rabhi is destitute and we have not succeeded in finding her a regular sponsor so far, we will try to support her via a special relief action.

She will have to return to the clinic in Kathmandu right after Tibetan New Year in February, where the artificial teeth will be put in. We are aware of the difficulty of raising yet another large sum like this in the course of the ongoing aid campaign for 10 year old Pempa, on whose behalf we received 3.100 Eros by now. However medical emergencies are hardly ever predictable and we hope for willingness to help in spite of it. Every single Euro counts!




New people in need recently added to our sponsorship program in Chitwan, southern Nepal

Nirmaya (66) and her husband Singha Bahadur (72) live in Aappani Village, Chitwan. They belong to the most destitute people in the region. Although they have four grown children these are not in the financial position to support their parents. Thus the couple, in spite of their advanced age,  is forced to keep laboriously tending  their field to make a living somehow. Unfortunately they only have a small plot at their disposal, which means they can only grow a few vegetables for self-consumption. Nirmaya and Singha keep a few goats and chickens, to sell when other items, such as rice or oil, need to be bought. By collecting firewood they sometimes make a few rupees but all in all there is never enough for their basic needs and they often go hungry. As we are aiming at help for other families in the region, we would like to find a sponsor for Nirmaya and Singha as well, who might support them with 25 Euros a month or a partial sponsorship, starting at 10 Euros.




New school sponsorships in Briddhim

Recently 10 year old Sharmila from Mentok Gan found a sponsor, who will make her enrollment at  Gosainkunda English Boarding School in Syabrubesi possible this April. Now her 7 year old sister Mentok Maya has also acquired a sponsorship, which is particularly nice, for this way both sisters will be able to live and grow there together.

On top of this 9 year old Pramila will also be attending school with the help of two partial sponsosrships this spring. It would be a great blessing if her sister Sarmila ( 7 years old, wearing the black sweater) would also be matched with a sponsor by then. That way these sisters would have the opportunity to join up for studying and living at the boarding school as well. Like  many other poor families in the region Pramila’s and Sarmila’s parents are unable to afford school fees on their own. Their mother Nima (41) and their father Tashi (42) never had access to school education. In addition the mother is impaired after a fall during her last pregnancy, wich results in a walking disability. She is unable to work, the more so as she is taking care of the infant, born meanwhile. Both families are delighted to receive this kind of  aid and encouragement.




Good news from Pempa Dolkar

Pempa’s condition is further improving.  Meanwhile she could be extubated and is now able to breathe on her own again. She is conscious and her circulation remains stable after she underwent an additional surgery. The wound on her foot has improved significantly and the fracture was splinted.

She has been transferred to a regular ward. Another surgery is planned to take place next week, in order to cover the open wound on the foot with a skin graft, taken from the thigh. Pempa will most likely have to spend the following two weeks of the stabilization phase at the hosptial.

So far costs of 4.300 Euros have arisen. The entire amount to pay for the hospital stay, surgeries and further examinations is estimated at 8 Lakh (5.800 Euros). Quite possibly 10 Lakh (7.200 Euros)  might be required. Through loans and the sale of family jewellery the parents managed to gather 2.500 Euros so far. Corresponding to this amount we adjusted the goal of donations on our website and would like to reach 3.500 Euros to start with. In case the additional 1.200 Euros would  be needed we would continue collecting on her behalf. We are happy to have received  2.890 Euros of donations within just a few days! We would like to thank you all wholeheartedly in the name of her family.




Donation handover III/2023 In Briddhim nearly completed

The donation amount, designated for the third trimester of 2023, to aid needy people in Briddhim, has now almost entirely been delivered. We transferred these funds to Nepal on December 3rd. First of all Lhamo and Paljor payed the school fees in Syabrubesi. We had received  20.946 Euros on  behalf of 99 students, attending Gosainkunda English Boarding School. An additional 8.192 Euros had been gathered to support five students at other schools, numerous families and elderly people in Briddhim, including special relief actions (dental treatment for Palmo from Surka 450 Euros and  house building project for Dawa Chokpa 765 Euros).  By now we maintain 152 sponsorships for 144 people in Briddhim. It is our most extensive sponsorship project.

Every single one of the beneficiaries was happy about this valuable support, serving them  throughout their daily life and difficult situations,  they would not be able to shoulder without help. Here we present selected impressions of the handover:




Special aid campaign launched for 10 year old Pempa Dolkar from Thuman / Briddhim

Little Pempa Dolkar from Thuman has been attending Gosainkunda English Boarding School in Syabrubesi since 2021, thanks to sponsorship.

Last week she was seriously injured, when she fell into the lavatory at school in the middle of the night – a Nepali squat toilet in the floor. Unfortunately she did not tell anyone and when Raju, the headmaster, happened to notice she had a hard time walking, a fracture of the ankle and open wound were discovered.

Raju Lama contacted the girl’s parents right away and advised them to take her to a hospital. However, since a visit to the doctor is actually unaffordable for them,  they simply took her home and tried to handle the infection on their own.

Regrettably the wound got worse, which resulted in a very serious  infection of the bone, periosteum and surrounding tissue (necrotisizing fascitis). When the child’s  condition dramatically deteriorated her paretns did take her to Kathmandu to a private clinic, where she had an emergency surgery. The massively swollen leg was opened and flushed in order to release wound fluid and pus. The fracture was then splinted.

But due to the fact, that the treatment was started in a very  advanced state, Pempa Dolkar is now in very critical condition. The injury caused septicaemia (blood poisoning). As a result she is in intensive care and requires artificial respiration, antibiotics and medication/infusions to stabilize the circulation. The medical report does not look promising.

This clinical picture is a severe one by German medical standards as well, usually resulting in weeks or months of hospitalization. After only a few days the medical expenses in this case amount so several thousand Euros to cover the surgery and extensive ICU-treatment. The parents are  destitute but have relatives, working abroad. All of them are currently trying to obtain private credits but it will be difficult to come up with the required large sum of money.

We would like to support Pempa Dolkar’s parents during this difficult time and at least relieve them some of their financial worries. To start with we would like to gather  3.000 Euros. At our website you will find updates on the campaign, current donation status and condition of Pempa Dolkar:




…and another sponsorship for a child in Chitwan

A few months ago we introduced 10 year old Pujan, after we learned of his difficult situation. He has already been through a lot in his short life. Pujan has no siblings. His mother died of leukemia when he was only 4 years old. Then 2 years ago his father died in a bus accident. Pujan has been living with his aunt, uncle and cousin Nichal in Bhandara Shikarbasti since then. The couple is also very poor for they, too, are illiterate and never had a chance to attend school. Just like the vast majority of the local population they support themselves by means of some farming. Now and then the uncle manages to find day labor on a construction site. The aunt runs a small food stall but the meager income is scarcely sufficient for the family to get by.

Pujan attends a public school, which is free of charge.  However financing additional needs, such as a new school uniform which is needed once a year, or simply school supplies, is impossible for the family. With immediate effect Pujan will be supported through a monthly sponsorship of 20 Euros, which will cover his needs: necessary school garments, a school bag, clothing, supplies and some additional food.



New sponsorship in Chitwan

Two months ago 7 year old Archana, who lives in Aappani Village in Chitwan with her parents and little brother Athit (2), could be provided with a first partial sponsorship. Archana attends 2nd grade at Shree Rastriya Basic School in Aappani and the regular donation shall enable the destitute parents to pay for schoolbooks, photocopies, additional food and a new school uniform now and then, which was impossible before.

From now on the family has an additional sponsorship, which helps to provide not only for Archana, but also her little brother Athit and parents. Being illiterate and only employed on a daily basis they have a very hard time feeding the family. Thanks to a total amount of 30 Euros, which the sponsors are jointly providing, the basic care is secured for all four of them and we happily greet the new year, starting out with a new sponsorship.

