Donation handover in Chitwan now completed
In early December we also transferred the current funds to Chitwan, 1.595 Euros altogether. Our local staff Dil Bahadur and his wife Reena started delivering them on December 25th and today they finished their round. There were contributions for 13 people in need, including the “salary” for Dil Bahadur and Reena, which is a small payment in appreciation of their work, which they are given annually in December. The 13 beneficiaries are 5 school students, two of them along with their families, plus 2 more families (Rakesh with his mother and brother plus Santa Bahadur and Ful Maya Tamang).
A partial amount was applied towards food, clothing and shoes for all recipients, and also school supplies for the children. The family of 10 year old Rujal received his school fees to cover the entire year to come. All remaining funds will be managed by the NGO on-site and supplies will be purchased as the need arises. Chitwan is an extremely poor region of Nepal and the impoverished population has no opportunity to improve their hard living conditions in any way without external help. Especially for this reason all recipients are really grateful and happy about this support. It is always a particular pleasure for us to see the shining children’s eyes.

New sponsorship getting under way at the children’s home in Kathmandu
Like numerous other kids 17 year old Pema Tsering Gurung will receive sponsorship from now on, securing care for him and the other children there. He has lived at the institution since its founding 6 years ago. Pema’s family is from the village Surkhang in northern Mustang. During the summer months his parents make a living as day laborers, during winter they go to India in search of work. Their difficult financial situation hinders them from adequately caring for their son and also from sending him to school. Meanwhile he is in 8th grade at the Tibetan Srongsten Bhrikuti School in Kathmandu and we are so happy he has found a kind sponsor.
Donation handover at the elderly caring home in Kathmandu
Recently our latest donations were delivered to Metta Nepal Elderly Caring Home. The residents receive part of it directly as a personal allowance. They were all quite happy. Throughout the last trimester of 2023 we were able to gather 1.080 Euros worth of donations to support this facility.
The amount permits support of 8 residents, who are recipients of regular sponsorship plus an additional two – Mingmar Tsering und Gyamtso Gurung – who do not have sponsors, yet, but received an extra donation this time.
Alas there are bad news as well. Nyima Tsering, an exiled Tibetan, whose wife passed away a few years ago and who has no other relatives, died today at the age of 88 at the elderly caring home. He is the fifth occupant who passed away since the institution was founded. Nyima was very grateful to be able to live there and receive good care. Unfortunately we never succeeded in finding him a sponsor, but we are hoping to match the other old folks there with sponsors in order to support them troughout their remaining years.
All other residents are fine. Only Ani Pema is not at her best mentally. There are particular good news concerning 31 year old Jamyang Tsering (picture 1), an exiled Tibetan as well. He is living at the institution due to bone-tuberculosis. Now the sensation is finally returning to his lower body. Though he is not able to walk without support, just yet, the paralysis is slowly subsiding. He is grateful for all the help and treatment prospects.

Another school sponsorship in Briddhim
One more school sponsorship came into being for a child from Briddhim today. 10 year old Sharmila, coming from a family of nine, is also looking forward to school starting this spring. The two eldest of six daughters – Rozina und Anita – could be enrolled at Gosainkunda English Boarding School a few years ago already and the family is overjoyed at the prospect of Sharmila joining her sisters there.
We received their plea for support only recently as they had fallen for the intransparent offer of a man from Khangjim. He had promised to provide Sharmila and Mentok Maya with placement at a school in Kathmandu. However all this remained a hollow promise and like other local families they were upset to discover the man did not send the kids to school. Instead they lived at this man’s house, along with many other children, were forced to work and often suffered hunger. As soon as their parents learned of this situation they brought their daughters back home. Meanwhile they missed valuable study time again, though. We are grateful to know that Sharmila found reliable support at once, securing her education. We hope for Mentok Maya to also find a sponsor soon.
New school sponsorship in Briddhim
Once more a child from Briddhim was matched with a sponsor. 6 year old Tenzin Norsang Lama, who lives in Thuman with his parents and little sister, will be able to start school in April right at the beginning of the new school term. Without support of a dear sponsor he wouldn’t stand a chance of school education. The family is really grateful for this opportunity their son is granted to escape the cycle of poverty. With an education he will have the choice to take up a profession someday.
Newsletter „Winter 2023“
Today our last annual newsletter was released, accessible at: Newsletter Winter 2023
In the name of all our staff members in India, Nepal and Germany we wish all our sponsors, members and supporters a Merry Christmas, all the best for the new year and want to say: Thank you all!
New children as part of our school sponsorship program
11 year old Sharmila and 7 year old Mentok Maya are sisters of Rozina and Anita, who, thanks to sponsorship, have been attending Gosainkunda English Boarding School in Syabrubesi for a while. The family has six daughters altogether. The youngest ones are only 1 and 3 years old. Like most other regional people without a school education their parents cannot secure regular earnings. Only occasionally dot they manage to find employment as porters at the Tibetan border.
Just like several other villagers they also accepted the offer of a man from Khangjim, who, for a small charge, promised to send the children to a school in Kathmandu. However all this remained a hollow promise. Instead the girls lived at this man’s house, along with many other children, were forced to work and often suffered hunger. As soon as their parents learned of this they brought their daughters back home. Meanwhile they missed valuable study time again, though. All the more urgently they need reliable support now, in order to secure their education. We hope to see them enrolled for school and join their sisters in Syabrubesi this coming April.
Third donation transfer to Nepal in 2023
On December 3rd we started our next donation transfer to Nepal, the third on this year, and were able to complete it with a final amount today. The included four money transfers to our Nepali NGO’s summed up to 38.778 Euros and are comprised as follows:
- School fees on behalf of 99 students at Gosainkunda English Boarding School in Syabrubesi – 20.946 Euros
- Support for students at other schools, families, elderly people in Briddhim, including special aid campaigns (medical support, house building projects) – 8.192 Euros
- Support for Dickyi Tsering Children’s Home and the Elderly Caring Home as well as additional needy people in Kathmandu – 8.045 Euros
- Support for families and children in need in Chitwan – 1.595 Euros
After delivery of these donations we will inform you all about it. We managed to transfer 139.725 Euros worth of donations altogether in 2023. 21.484 Euros of this amount went to India, 118.241 Euros to Nepal. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all sponsors, members and supporters, on behalf of all beneficiaries, from the bottom of our hearts for all those many contributions!
Finally, sponsorship for exiled Tibetan woman Dolma Lhamo in Dharamsala
For nearly one year we searched to find a sponsor for the 71 year old exiled Tibetan woman Dolma Lhamo, who came to Mcleod Ganj (Upper Dharamsala) in 2004. 20 years ago she set out for a pilgrimage to Nepal and India along with her husband. After a few months they had decided to stay in India and found support in a refugee camp in Dharamsala. Dolma’s husband found employment as a sewer and she worked as a maid. Later on the two of them ran a small food stall but then Dolma’s husband had a severe accident. He was run over by a car and after long months of confinement to bed he passed away. Then the Covid pandemic destroyed Dolma’s earning opportunities. Lama Karma Lobsang in Dharamsala helped her from the beginning of the pandemic by means of donations to cover the rent, however last month unfortunately this support had to be discontinued.
Due to her age and rheumatism in the legs Dolma Lhamo is no longer able to work. Since she also has no relatives who might be able to support her we are overjoyed to announce she has four dear sponsors starting right away, who will support her with a monthly amount of 50 Euros to cover her rent. She is very happy to have this kind of aid now.
Each Sunday throughout the Christmas season the donation platform betterplace is enhancing all winter matching donations with an additional 15%. Which means your donations will make all the more difference…
Just mark the upcoming Sunday in your calendar and select your favorite of our betterplace projects. In the menu bar on the right you find an overview of all our projects. Just click on the widget, choose the amount you would like to contribute and enjoy the wonderful season! Thank you.

Widow and school girl in Briddhim both lost their sponsorship
After a long time of support one sponsor had to terminate two of her sponsorships unfortunately. There is the 56 year old widow Dawa Chokpa in Lingling and besides her a partial school sponsorship for Sarita Ghale from Daal, who is already 16 years old. She has been attending the Gosainkunda English Boarding School since April 0f 2021. Now we are urgently looking for new sponsors for both of them. Dawa Chokpa would need a monthly amount of 20 Euros, the young student 22 Euros. Check out our website for more information: https://www.tibet-tshoesem.de/patenschaften-in-briddhim/
Sponsorship needed for 10 year old Pujan in Chitwan
We also received a new request from Chitwan regarding support through sponosrship for Pujan Shresthat, who turned 10 in September. He has no siblings. His mother passed away due to leukemia when he was only 4. Then 2 years ago his father died in a bus accident. Pujan has been living with his uncle, aunt and their son in Bhandara Shikarbasti. since then. The couple is very poor because they are illiterate and could never attend school. As the vast majority of people in the region they make a living through some farming. Now and then the uncle, Chandra Bahadur Tamang, manages to find employment in day labor on construction sites. The aunt Ganga runs a small shop. However the meager income does not suffice to feed this family of four.
Pujan attends a public school, which does not charge school fees, but Chandra and Ganga have no extra funds to provide their nephew with school supplies or a new school uniform, which is needed about once a year. A uniform costs about 30 Euros and in order to have a change two are always needed.
We would like to supply little Pujan with a monthly sponsorship of 20 Euros so his family is in the position to cover those needed things: uniform, school bag, a winter jacket and additional clothing, -since Pujan is growing!- also some extra food for him. Shared sponsorship is an option as well, starting at 10 Euros.
New resident at the elderly caring home in Kathmandu
On November 12 another senior citizen moved into Metta Nepal Elderly Caring Home in Kathmandu. 83 year old Gyamtso Gurung was born and raised in a very remote village of Northern Mustang near the Tibetan border. Due to his family’s poverty he never went to school and was married at the very young age of 15 years. With his wife he had 5 children. Unfortunately she died in spring of 2023. After his wife passed away he moved in with a daughter She was the only one willing to accommodate him as all others have children and don’t have the means to support their father. Alas Gyamtso’s son-in-law did not agree with the decision and soon began to maltreat the old man, causing everyone in the family distress and making life together difficult. Neighbors, who noticed the bad situation, turned to Geshe Sonam Wangchen and pleaded for help. Gyamtso has been living at the caring home since mid-November. He is safe and well provided for there. We are hoping for him to quickly find a sponsor to support him with a monthly amount of 25 Euros or a partial sponsorship.
Additional people in Briddhim needing support
We got word of more cases of dire need these days. Three children plus one older woman require aid. Our plea concerns the siblings Pramila (9) and Sarmila (7) from Daal, as well as 5year old Tenzin Dolma from Thuman, whose parents are unable to afford an education for their girls. In addition there is the 53 year old widow Nare Tamang. She lives on her own in Pelko. Her grown children are incapable to support her financially and the tiny government pension in not sufficient to cover her basic needs. We would be happy to see all of them finding sponsors in the near future. Background information on these people can be found at: https://www.tibet-tshoesem.de/patenschaften-in-briddhim/
New children in our school sponsorship program
We recently received new requests of parents in the Briddhim region, who would like to see their children attend school, which is a not an easy thing to achieve for the majority of the people there. We are introducing two 6 year old boys from Thuman, whose families don’t have the means to pay for school fees. In order to include them in the group of pupils, able to attend the Gosainkunda English Boarding School by the beginning of the new school term in April of 2024, they depend on a sponsorship to start soon. Due to the fact that we have to prepay school fees four months in advance they require 60 Euros per month as soon as possible. Currently we are on the position to cover the high enrollment fees for them so a prospective sponsor would not need to. Further information about these kids is accessible at our website: https://www.tibet-tshoesem.de/patenschaften-in-briddhim/
New dentures for Palmo from Surka
Two months ago we told you about the situation of 71 year old Palmo from Surka – an aunt of Khartok and Nyima. Back then she had been suffering from a toothache for quite some time and longed for dentures to replace her missing upper front teeth. Since Palmo was not in a fit state to travel from Briddhim to Kathmandu on her own she had to wait for an opportunity to get a ride with someone. She was able to join a group of pilgrims, headed for Kathmandu at the beginning of November and arrived safely at Khartok’s place. A few days ago she had a preliminary dental examination and already had a bridge put in today, to replace five missing incisors. The aching molar was extracted and will not be replaced. In order to cover the treatment expenses of 50.000 NPR (ca. 370 Euros) we managed to raise enough donations. Towards medication (such as an ointment to ease pain), a few dental care items and the return to her home village we plan to give another 80 Euros and hope we will succeed in raising that amount as well. Palmo is overjoyed about her new dentures and cried out of happiness and gratitude.
Helping without spending a single extra cent – via donation platform GOODING
Christmas is coming soon and many people are already in search of presents for their loved ones. We want to take this opportunity and point out a great way to benefit others – by supporting our association’s work! Since we first registered with GOODING we managed to collect more than 900 Euros. These are of great use when it comes to covering transfer charges to Nepal and India. Part of it we could utilize directly to finance our projects.
The way it works is quite simple:
When shopping online first visit the following website: https://www.gooding.de/tibet-tshoesem-e-v-62803. There you click on „Einkaufen“, select your shop and go ahead with your purchase as usual. The online shop will then support us with a bonus while you don’t have to pay any extra at all!
1.700 shops have joined the GOODING community so far. Besides booking.com, Amazon, Rewe, eBay, OTTO, Tchibo, Deutsche Bahn and other big stores a huge variety of smaller companies participate also, the latter oftentimes being even more affordable.
Thank you so much for being or becoming part of this support network.
Donation handover at Tse Chokling Monastery
On October 5th we transferred the second semiannual amount of donations to the monastery in Dharamsala. 3.860 Euros in total could be submitted, of which 300 Euros had been donated in the framework of 3 personal monk sponsorships. One of those was terminated in summer, as the novice left the monastery. An additional 1.290 Euros were contributed as part of 10 monastery sponsorships. On top of that we received 1.570 Euros to support the construction of the Teaching hall plus 700 Euros worth of general donations. Altogether we maintain 2 personal and 10 monastery sponsorships. The head of monastery and the monks were once again happy to receive this support and are praying for the welfare of all supporters.

Good news from Chitwan
Young Rakesh, who suffered a serious accident resulting in life-threatening injuries in April of 2022, could be provided two surgeries at the College of Medical Sciences – Super Specialty Hospital – in Bharatpur and also the subsequent medical treatment and regular check-ups. This was made possible through a relief campaign. Since Rakesh was incapable of fulfilling his role as main provider of his destitute family during this time, we also collected for their basic supply. Rakesh lives with his mother and younger brother.
At last Rakesh is feeling better now. The injured femur was restored using tissue bits prompting muscle and tissue healing and growth. This treatment yielded very good results. From this month onwards he no longer needs medication and is slowly improving his ability to move about without a walking aid, even if still a little awkwardly. Due to this improvement the family’s monthly requirement has reduced. However because Rakesh is not fit to work just yet we would like to continue the assistance to meet their basic needs. Instead of the previously needed 60 Euros per month from now on only half the amount is required. Donations on behalf of this family are also possible through our Betterplace project for Chitwan.
Numerous new sponsorships in Briddhim
Five children at once could be provided with sponsorship this weekend and will be aided towards their school education with a regular donation. Except for Mingmar Tamang all others are 5 years old. It’s a blessing to know they are enabled to start school at the most suitable age. Their parents would never be able to finance an education for their children on their own. Mingmar and the girls Dawa Yamu and Ayushma were able to be enrolled for school by means of extra donations last August. Now Dawa receives steady support and Ayushma got a second partial sponsorship. In addition two children from Lingling, Pradip Rana und Tenzin Tsomu, will join the kids at Gosainkunda English Boarding School in Syabrubesi, prospectively this coming April.
More new sponsorships at the elderly caring home in Kathmandu
With immediate effect two residents of Metta Nepal Elderly Caring Home in Kathmandu will also receive sponsorship. 31 year old Jamyang Tsering was born in the Tibetan capital Lhasa. He came to the assisted living facility recently, since he suffers from bone tuberculosis and is no longer able to care for himself. 53 year old Sonam Lama is from the Mustang region in Nepal. He became a monk at the age of 20 and had lived at Tashi Raptenling monastery in Lumbini since that time. Then, however, he developed a severe depression. He was affected by frequent anxiety attacks and receives medication, which help a great deal to control the condition. But under these circumstances he could not remain at the monastery and has been with the people at Metta Nepal Elderly Caring Home since summer 2022.
We are very pleased to announce the start of support for these two residents. The more of them find sponsors the better the maintenance of this essential institution can be assured. In addition the residents receive a small allowance thanks to a sponsorship, which they may spend on personal needs.
New sponsorship at Dickyi Tsering Home in Kathmandu
This 9 year old boy named Nima Lama moved to Dickyi Tsering Home earlier this year. He is the youngest of 7 siblings of a large family from the remote Tsum Valley near the Tibetan border. His parents are farmers and were never in the position to finance a school education for Nima. For this reason they inquired about Nima’s possible admittance to the children’s home where he is now well cared for and able to attend school. He is already in 1st grade at the Tibetan Srongsten Bhirkuti School. And yesterday he found a kind sponsor. Thanks to her his supply is now secured. Of the 106 girls and boys living at the institution 40 already acquired sponsorship and we are hoping for many to follow.
New residents at the retirement home in Kathmandu
Throughout the last month 3 more people in need have moved into Metta Nepal Elderly Caring Home in Kathmandu. Please meet the couple Run Maya (65) and Icheya Bahadur Khaling Rai (63), as well as 55 year old Thupten. Their background information is accessible at: https://www.tibet-tshoesem.de/en/sponsorships-in-metta-nepal-elderly-caring-home/
Just like all the other residents they are no longer in the position to take care of themselves and now happy to have found a new home, providing care and support. We are in search of sponsors (25 Euros per month or partial sponsorship) for them and many other inhabitants, in order to secure their basic supply and a small allowance for personal needs.
Donation handover in Dharamsala nearly complete
The next amount of donations went out to Dharamsala on October 5th. This time we could transfer 10.975 Euros. 3.860 Euros had been donated on behalf of Tse Chokling Monastery, 7.115 Euros for people in need in Dharamsala and Bir / Chauntra. The donations have arrived at the monastery but we are still waiting for pictures from there.
The sum for people in need in Dharamsala and Bir / Chauntra consists of:
- 5 ordained people, not living in monasteries (2 monks and 3 nuns)
- the nun Ani Lobsang Palmo who died in May (belated, to cover her funeral)
- 3 families (including 2 students and 1 family without sponsorship)
- 5 pupils
- 2 college students
- 5 single persons (of which 3 without sponsorship)
- salary and medical care for our staff member Penpa Dolma (last picture along with our friend, the monk Thupten Palden, who supported her in the distribution of donations).
Pempa Dolma started the handover last week and most of the amounts have been delivered. Still missing are the young mother Mingmar Lhamo, who is in Rajasthan for her winter business currently, plus 2 youths at TCV Chauntra. They still need to receive their aid. All others are taken care of and deeply grateful for this support, which has changed their life.

Donations needed for medical treatment of Tsering Dhargye in Kathmandu
One month ago we told you about the situation of 47 year old Tsering Dhargye, a resident of Metta Nepal Elderly Caring Home, which is run by Hope & Challenge in Kathmandu. He had to undergo spinal surgery on Sep. 20th. The approximate cost will be 1.800 Euros. So far we only received 70 Euros. There will an additional requirement to cover physical therapy, though.
Unfortunately Tsering Dhargye’s condition improves only slowly. His wounds have healed well but he has almost no sensitivity in his legs and is confined to bed. Currently he is being treated at a nursing center, where physical therapy was started and is gradually taking effect. The staff of Hope & Challenge are hoping for him to be able to return to the assisted living facility by mid-November. However his treatment will take several months still. Detailed background information on him and the process of our aid campaign can be accessed at our website: https://www.tibet-tshoesem.de/sonder-hilfsaktionen-3/
Donations are welcome via our Betterplace project for the retirement home as well: http://betterplace.org/p99709
Partial sponsorship for Archana Tamang and her family
The Tamang family, whom we reported about one week ago, will receive sponsorship from now on. This will put the parents in the position to finally provide their daughter Archana with nearly everything needed for her school education. An additional amount of 15 Euros per month is still necessary to completely cover her basic requirements and we are hoping for the family to soon find a second sponsor.
Regular sponsor needed to support a family in Aappani Village in Chitwan (South Nepal)
This little girl’s name is Archana. In December she will turn 7. Archana, her parents Bimala und Avinash as well as her 2 year old brother Athit live in Aappani Village in Chitwan. The family is farming a small plot of land for their own use and is very poor. Only through the father’s meager and irregular income they manage to get by somehow. Both of the parents are illiterate because they never had the chance of any sort of education. Avinash sometimes finds jobs as a day-laborer in Kathmandu. There are public schools in Chitwan nowadays to accommodate those children of the poorest families. This way Archana is able to attend second grade at Shree Rastriya Basic School in Aappani. She received a school uniform for her enrollment there but she is growing and will need another one now and then, which her parents will have to cover themselves, which they are unable to, though. The same goes for school books, photocopies or some food their daughter could take to school: there is no money for any of these requirements. A good care for Athit, the littlest one, is also scarcely possible given the small family income. With 30 Euros a month basic providing for the whole family could be made possible and enable them to buy the most important school supplies for Archana. Partial sponsorships can be implemented starting at 10 Euros.
Pempa Wangmo in Briddhim finally provided with hearing aid
Exactly one year ago we launched an aid campaign on behalf of 52 year old Pempa Wangmo from Gray near Briddhim to facilitate a treatment of a pneumonia she was suffering from at the time plus glasses and a hearing aid. The first donations we received were transferred by December, the remaining amount last April. Just recently the family could manage a doctor’s visit in Kathmandu. So Pempa Wangmo received her hearing aid at last and is very happy to be able to hear well and participate in conversations again.
First partial sponsorship for little Ayushma in Briddhim
One month ago we reported about 5 year old Ayushma, who was living with her grandmother Pasang up until the middle of September. Due to his work situation Ayushma’s father was unable to take care of her and Pasang had increasing difficulties with looking after her. Since this was a case of particular urgency to initiate a school sponsorship we decided to enroll her even though no sponsor could be found at such short notice. By the middle of September Ayushma’s dad took her to the Boarding School in Syabrubesi where she is now living and studying along with her sister. By means of this decision the entire family can rest assured while Ayushma gets the chance to grow up healthy. We were in the position to cover her high enrollment fees and Ayushma now has acquired a sponsorship of 10 Euros per month. We will not be able to secure her school fees by means of donations on a permanent basis which is why we would be pleased to soon find additional sponsors, willing to support Ayushma. Altogether a monthly contribution of 50 Euros is still needed.
Recent donation transfer to India
Today we transferred the next amount of donations to Dharamsala. We present our donations in India semi-annually, with the option to execute extra payments inbetween to respond to urgent needs as they arise. The total amount this time was 10.975 Euros, of which 3.860 Euros were donated on behalf of Tse Chokling Monastery and 7.115 Euros for indigent people in Dharamsala and Bir / Chauntra. An update on the detailed use, requirements and recipients along with current pictures will be given following our donation handover. At this point we want to thank all sponsors and supporters for the all the help we received!
Sponsor needed urgently for a 70 year old exiled Tibetan in Dharamsala
Now that we were able to provide the single mother Sangmo with a sponsorship we want to once more try to establish assistance for this 70 year old exiled Tibetan woman Dolma Lhamo – particularly in light of her situation having grown more acute.
The 70 year old Tibetan exile Dolma Lhamo has been living in McLeod Ganj since 2004. Back then she and her husband set out for a pilgrimage to Nepal and India, then after a few months decided to stay in India where they found help in a refugee camp in Dharamsala initially. Later on Dolma’s husband found work as a seamster while she worked as a maid. Later they ran a small food stall.
But 5 years ago Dolma’s husband had a serious accident. He was hit by a car and after many months of confinement to bed he died. Next the Covid pandemic struck and Dolma found herself with no income at all. Lama Karma Lobsang, who leads several charitable projects in the region, has helped her since with donations to cover the rent (50 Euros a month). However this support will end from November 2023 on.
Good news for Sangmo in Dharamsala
One week ago we shared the difficult situation of the 39 year old Tibetan woman Sangmo in Dharamsala with you. Now she has found a kind sponsor who through her contribution enables Sangmo to move to a decent place and even provide for her three daughter’s essential needs. On top of this we received numerous additional donations on behalf of the family, thus securing their supply of daily requirements. Nyima talked to her on the phone today and she is overjoyed and grateful for this generous help. Throughout the next days she will search for a new apartment and move shortly. We, too, appreciate the support of the sponsor and all other supporters very much!
Relief action for Tsering Dhargye Lama from the elderly caring home in Kathmandu
Tsering Dhargye is 47 years old and comes from the remote Dolpo region in Northwest Nepal. Tsering Dhargye never had the chance to go to school, instead worked in the fields since he was a young boy. As the practice of child marriage was still customary his family married him off very early. With his young wife he had one son who became a monk. Poverty and the hard life unfortunately resulted in an alcohol addiction. Family life got increasingly difficult for everyone involved and eventually the couple separated. Tsering Dhargye’s alcohol abuse turned more and more into a major problem and lead to a spinal cord damage. His pain increased throughout the past years and since March of 2023 Tsering Dhargye has been in the care of the assisted living facility, under stewardship of Geshe Sonam Wangchen (Hope & Challenge). At his new home he is well cared for.
Recently, though, he had an accident and broke his leg. He received medical treatment and the leg healed well. However after his bad fall the pain in the back and legs got worse, not better. The ensuing exam revealed an enlargement of the spinal canal, called Spinal Stenosis. This condition causes severe pain when walking and in his case the excruciating compression of the nerves leaving the spinal cord. According to his doctors this illness is not related to the damaged spinal cord. No one knows the cause for sure but he was urgently advised to undergo surgery of the thoracic spine.
So Tsering Dhargye was admitted to Upendra Devkota Memorial National Institute of Neurological and Allied Sciences in Kathmandu on September 18th. The surgery, by which the enlargement of the spinal cord was corrected, took place on September 20th and went well. However his doctors are not satisfied with the wound healing and he needs to remain under strict medical supervision. Now Hope and Challenge has inquired about the possibility of financial support to cover the high hospital charges. Expenses of 1.800 Euros have incurred so far and we would like to offer assistance with this campaign. Since Tsering Dhargye came to the elderly caring home in March we have been in search of a sponsor for him and this ought to be given special significance since more funds will be needed to pay for follow-up exams.
On behalf of this case we are gathering donations as part of our Betterplace-Project for Metta Nepal Elderly Caring Home: http://betterplace.org/p99709. Needless to say direct contributions to our Association’s account (as shown on the right) are also possible.
Elderly couple new to our sponsorship program
For the first time in a while we get to include another couple from Briddhim in our sponsorship program today. 72 year old Gompo and his 54 year old wife Phurbo Pema have always been poor. On top of that both of them struggled with hearing impairment since childhood which also limited their communication skills. None of them received an education of any sort. The two live in a small hut and work in the fields of other people in the village. The tiny income is irregular and an insufficient base for securing their livelihood. Dugyalpo und Sonam Gyalpo, who are both relatives of the couple, already have sponsorships with us.
Gompo und Phurbo Pema have two grown daughters. One of them was able to finish school with support of Dolma Fund. The other one used to live as a nun. Both are currently working in sales on the Tibetan side of the border up North. Alas they own just enough to cover their own necessities and are thus unable to live with their parents and support them in their old age. Due to his age Gompo receives government aid of about 28 Euros per month. Since it has become increasingly difficult for them to manage covering their basic needs they approached us with a plea to offer them assistance. We would be most delighted to find a sponsor soon who would be willing to contribute 30 Euros each month. Partial sponsorships of 10 Euros and up are just as possible.
Newsletter „Fall 2023“
Today our current newsletter was released, accessible at: Newsletter Herbst 2023
Enjo reading!
Urgently wanted: sponsor for Sangmo in Dharamsala
In early summer we initiated the search for a supporter who might facilitate the situation of 39 year old Sangmo in Dharamsala. In August a sponsor was found. However she never transferred a donation and withdrew from the planned sponsorship. Our upcoming money transfer to India is to take place soon and we are now short of the amount which was taken into account for Sangmo. We are hopeful to find support for her soon. The calculated monthly demand is 50 Euros. With this need met she would finally be in the position to move to a decent place where she would also be able to accomodate her three young daughters during school holidays.
Sangmo has been living in Mcleod Ganj (Upper Dharamsala) on her own for the past 5 years. She is from Briddhim in the North of Nepal, had to go through a hard childhood, married, but later separated from her husband when he began to maltreat her. Since Sangmo never received any school education she is neither able to read nor write. Through strenuous work as a housekeeper, 7 days a week, 12 hours a day she manages to make ends meet. Her daughters live at TCV Upper Dharamsala. Due to the families destitute situation their school attendance is free of charge. Sangmo’s current rent amounts to 35 Euros. The dwelling is small and cramped, consisting of a single room without windows. There is no way she could house her three children together there when they are on school holidays. The girls would like to spend their vacation with their mother but under these circumstances it’s unfeasible.
Sangmo has already found a potential better apartment she would like to move to. The landlord there charges 80 Euros. However should she get sick or make less money she would be incapable to afford food anymore. Money is tight as it is. She is unable to provide her daughters with even basic necessities. A particular problem is the supply of hygiene items, which are very expensive and nearly unattainable for this family. For this reason we are also collecting extra donations for basic needs. Per girl 20 Euros are needed each month. In sum we would like to assist Sangmo with 50 Euros towards her rent payment, thus allowing the move and spending more time with her children plus 60 Euros monthly on behalf of her daughters.
Further details regarding Sangmo’s personal history are accessible at our website: https://www.tibet-tshoesem.de/patenschaften-in-dharamsala/
Relief action for 71 year old Palmo in Surka
Palmo lives in Surka, a small village South of Briddhim. She is the only remaining aunt of your staff member Nyima. Nyima’s prematurely deceased mother Lhazom, who died when he was only 8 years old, was Palmo’s elder sister. Palmo’s husband Keysang died in December of 2022. Since then she has to fend for herself. Although she has 4 children none of them is in the position to support their mother. One of her sons lives as a monk at Karmapa Monastery in Dharamsala, two others have been living in France for many years and the fourth lives in Surka, along with his wife.
Even at her advanced age Palmo still farms a little plot of land for home consumption and keeps a few cows. But besides a basic supply there is nothing left. For several months Palmo has been suffering from severe toothache. Some incisors in the front have been missing for a long time and one tooth on the side is loose and causing a lot of pain. We have collected donations to provide dentures for destitute people in India and Nepal in the past. Now we would like to enable Palmo to see a dentist and get treatment as well. The expenses are estimated at around 300 Euros. As soon as Palmo can manage to go to Kathmandu and visit a dentist we will get more details. We would be happy to start gathering donations right away, gladly through our betterplace project: http://betterplace.org/p56977
Dawa Chokpa moved into her new home in Lingling
The date for the move into the freshly completed building was brought forward and thus Dawa Chokpa finally got to move in today. Many villagers came to the inauguration ceremony, brought khataks and presents. Dawa Chokpa is overjoyed with all the support she received.
Her old house, built with the assistance of government aid after the earthquake in 2015 was severely damaged during a monsoon mudslide in summer of 2020 and had to be torn down. We launched a relief campaign the following spring and after two years Dawa Chokpa can finally move to her new dwelling. 2000 Euros are still needed to finish the house and to pay outstanding invoices for material and labor.
Donation handover in Kathmandu completed
Included in the most recent donations, which we transferred to Nepal in early August, were also the funds assigned to Hope & Challenge in Kathmandu. The NGO received a total of 8.215 Euros, among others on behalf of Dickyi Tsering Children’s Home and the elderly caring home run by the umbrella organization. In addition it also contained a sum of 2.715 Euros for 11 individuals in need, who do not live in any of the institutions we support. Except for sick Rupa Lhakyi, who currently benefits from extra donations to ensure her basic supply all others have sponsorships. The nun Lobsang Palzom and her ill brother Tenzin Kungyab are still in need of additional assistance as their partial sponsorship does not suffice to cover the medical need. We are hoping for them to soon find a second sponsor.
Everyone was very grateful for the donations and help.
Donation handover at Gosaikunda English Boarding School
Donations were also delivered to the Gosaikunda English Boarding School in Syabrubesi. School fees were payed for all 96 children – 91 living there and 5 attending day school – whom we have been able to support. We transferred 20.370 Euros altogether to the institution. Happily some children who are currently without sponsorship or missing a certain amount to cover their monthly fees will also be granted a continued school attendance. Our newly admitted pupils this August are Tempa Samden ( 3rd class), Ahil (LKG), Dawa Yamu (LKG), Mingmar (LKG), Zyampa Tamang (3rd class) and Sameer (LKG).

School sponsorship urgently needed for 5 year old Ayushma from Briddhim
Little Ayushma is currently living with her 80 year old grandmother Pasang (third picture with Ayushma’s sister Aisha). Aisha, now 9 years old, acquired sponsorship four years ago, so we were able to have her enrolled at Gosainkunda English Boarding School in Syabrubesi in April of 2020. Ayushma was very young at the time. Later on her mother left the family. The 44 year old father, Sonam Dorjee, has no school education but is trying to support his family through working as a load carrier at the Tibetan border. Since the pandemic restrictions were lifted the border offers work opportunities once again and he spends most of the time there, trying to make ends meet.
Grandmother Pasang has also been receiving sponsorship for a few years since she is no longer able to do physical work. Lately she has been increasingly weak and has a hard time caring for little Ayushma. Pasang gets sick frequently and is unable to cook, often for several days, so the girl does not get properly fed. This case is particularly urgent. With a school sponsorship we could secure appropriate care and nourishment for the little girl. It would also enable her to live and learn at the school along with her older sister which would relieve the entire family and facilitate a healthy upbringing.
We received confirmation that a school enrollment is possible at any time and are in the position right now to cover the enrollment fees. It would be a great blessing for her to soon find a kind sponsor. As usual partial sponsorship are also an option.
Donation handover in Chitwan complete
Our first official donation handover has been successfully carried out by our staff member Dil Bahadur in the framework of his NGO Himalayan Human Service Welfare Society in Chitwan, South Nepal. At the beginning of August we transferred 1.765 Euros to the NGO, which consisted of the following cases of need:
- 4 families (Rakesh + mother and brother), Binita + children, Santa Bahadur and his wife Ful Maya, Reena + Dil Bahadur) – 660 Euros
- 1 youth (the orphan Kritika) – 40 Euros
- Bhandara Shikharbasti School (16 fans + 1 water dispenser) – 565 Euros
- Roof renovation Hira Maya Muktan – 300 Euros
- registration of NGO – 200 Euros
We already reported on the donation handover to the school in Bhandara Shikharbasti one week ago. All other recipients are also very grateful for the much needed support and we would like to say THANK YOU to all contributors for the numerous donations from the bottom of our hearts!
Full sponsorship for Tenzin Tsomu
Following our appeal for 11 year old Tenzin Tsomu three days ago she immediately found a second shared sponsorship. The young girl has been living at Dickyi Tsering children’s home in Kathmandu for more than one year. Now her care there is fully covered. Out of the 107 children living there 37 have already acquired sponsorship and we are hoping to find supporters for the others as well.
Donation handover in the Briddhim region
On July 29th our staff member Paljor started the distribution of the current donations in the area around Briddhim after we had transferred the amounts for the second trimester to North Nepal in early August – 28.239 Euros total consisting of:
Gosainkunda English Boarding School in Syabrubesi (91 children in boarding school + 5 children in day School): 20.370 Euros
3 children in other schools: 904 Euros
families, elderly people and 1 child in a special education school 6.145 Euros
4 people in need without sponsorship / medical treatment: 820 Euros
Among the recipients 42 people have already been handed their amounts. The further handover will have to be postponed unfortunately until Paljor, who is undergoing medical examinations in Kathmandu right now, has returned to the village and recovered.
The total also includes 1.600 Euros for the house building project on behalf of Dawa Chokpa. This sum has already been delivered and the house is nearly ready for her to move in. The date will be September 25th although doors, windows and the electricity still have to be completed. She is overjoyed to finally have a solid roof over her head again. We want to express our sincere thanks to all sponsors and other supporters for the numerous donations to aid the people of Briddhim. Further pictures will be published after completion of the remaining handovers.

New sponsorship at the children’s home in Kathmandu
This month we can tell you about another recent sponsorship realization for a girl at Dickyi Tsering Home in Kathmandu. 11 year old Tenzin Tsomu is the youngest daughter of Dhondup Tsering und Dolkar Dolma. Tenzin Tsomu used to live at the Tibetan refugee camp in Solukhumbu along with her parents and two siblings. The father had employment as a school-janitor and only earned a small wage. The family had a hard time paying for school fees, rent and food.
For this reason Dhondup Tsering asked Geshe Sonam Wangchen in spring of 2022 to admit Tenzin Tsomu to the children’s home. Like all Tibetan refugees in Nepal neither him nor his children have legal documents. Tenzin Tsomu has the desire to achieve good results in order to support the Tibetan community later on. She is very smart and has a thirst for knowledge. In 4th grade she was top of the class. Currently she is in 5th grade at Srongtsen Bhrikuti School. She now has a partial sponsorship of 15 Euros monthly and we hope to soon find a second sponsor willing to support Tsomu with an additional 10 Euros. This would assure her provision including her school education.
Installation of fans at Shree Rastryia Primary School in Bhandara Shikharbasti
Just recently our donation handover in Chitwan started. We transferred 1.765 Euros to the NGO of our staff members there in early August, 565 Euros of this amount specifically for the project we launched on behalf of the Shree Rastryia School. All 16 fans and the water fountain were installed at the school on August 30th. The school administrator, all teachers and children were delighted about it and grateful for the support. We would like to thank everyone who contributed to this improvement for the extensive support.
New school sponsorships in Briddhim
Among the children enrolled for school this month are 10 year old Tempa Samden from Gomba Ganj and 7 year old Ahil from Lingling. We received enough extra donations to cover the enrollment fees for both of them, which enables them to join the other kids at Gosainkunda English Boarding School and move into the dormitory. Starting this month they each have a regular sponsorship to secure their school education, a great pleasure for all of us!
To avoid separating Tempa Samden and his 5year old sister Dawa Yamu we enrolled her as well, by means of extra donations. Five elder siblings are not living at home anymore, either. Two of them receive school sponsorship through another NGO and it would have been sad for little Dawa to be the only one not attending school. The children’s parents are too poor to pay school fees. For the time being we will be able to finance her tuition with extra donations but we would be delighted if she also found sponsorship soon in order to secure her schooling.
Donation handover at Metta Nepal Elderly Caring Home in Kathmandu
In the course of our second 2023 donation transfer to Nepal we wired 515 Euros to the elderly caring home in Kathmandu in early August. An additional 30 Euros were advanced by Hope & Challenge as they were not part of the transaction, yet, which means the institution received a total of 545 Euros on behalf of 6 residents with sponsorship and one who received an extra contribution. They are all well and were very happy.
It means a lot to those elderly without any immediate family, who might support them in any way, to receive a regular allowance and be able to afford basic necessities. But most important is the inhabitant’s required medical care. All of them need medication. So far only 6 of the 31 people living there have acquired sponsorships and we hope many more will follow.

Numerous donations for 14 year old Pasang Karmo in Briddhim
Just recently we shared the situation of Pasang Karmo, who was diagnosed with epilepsy and started an aid campaign. After the medical exams at Kathmandu Medical College earlier this month Pasang Karmo returned home, where she is currently staying with her aunt. Her mother left the family many years ago and her father passed away 3 years ago. Her epileptic seizures are well-controlled by medication now which enables her to return to Gosainkunda English Boarding School soon. We enclosed 360 Euros, which we advanced, on her behalf in the latest money transfer. Meanwhile the entire needed amount was supplied thanks to donations and we are grateful for the prompt support this young girl received!
Dawa Chokpa can finally move into her new house
By late July Dawa Chokpa’s house was completed insofar as she can move in soon. First the floor has to dry, though, and a lama has to determine a favorable date for the move as is customary with the people there. Since it has been raining heavily and the road is impassable right now, the glass which is needed for the windows can not be transported, yet. In any case the means to finish the ceiling, doors and installatio of electricity are lascking at this point. Dawa Chokpa will still be able to move into the house. This way she has a solid roof over her head at least.
The next amount of donations – 1.600 Euros – are on the way to Briddhim and should soon arrive. These will only repay lent sums. Just because both contractors Paljor und Dorsang managed to borrwo money from neighbors the continuatio of the construction was possible at all. In order to cover the total costs for the completion (repayment, additional material and labor hours) 2.000 Euros are still needed.
First partial sponsorship for Sangmo in Dharamsala
Two months ago we initiated the search for a supporter who might facilitate the situation of 39 year old Sangmo in Dharamsala. And luckily she will benefit from a first partial sponsorship of 20 Euros per month as of now. The total requirement adds up to 50 Euros, hence we would be elated if a second sponsor was soon found which would enable Sangmo to finally move into decent housing. There she would able to accommodate her three young daughters during their school vacations.
Sangmo has been living in Mcleod Ganj (Upper Dharamsala) on her own for the past 5 years. She is from Briddhim in the North of Nepal, had to go through a hard childhood, married, but later separated from her husband when he began to maltreat her. Since Sangmo never received school education she is neither able to read nor write. Through strenuous work as a housekeeper, 7 days a week, 12 hours a day she manages to make ends meet. Her daughters live at TCV Upper Dharamsala. Due to the families destitute situation their school attendance is free of charge. Sangmo’s current rent amounts to 35 Euros. The dwelling is small and crampted, consosting of a single room without windows. There is no way she could house her three children together there when they are on school holidays. The girls would like to spend their vacation with their mother but under these circumstances it is unfeasible.
Sangmo has already found a potential better apartment she would like to move to. The landlord there charges 80 Euros. However should she get sick or make less money she would be incapable to afford food anymore. Money is tight as it is. She is unable to provide her daughters with even basic necessities. The desired move would only be possible at all in case of a second shared sponsorship. Therefore we would like to provide an additional 30 Euros a month and are hoping for an extra supporter very soon. Further details regarding Sangmo’s personal history is accessible at our website: https://www.tibet-tshoesem.de/patenschaften-in-dharamsala/
Donation transfer to Nepal
A few days ago we were ready to transfer all donations to Nepal to cover the second trimester of 2023, a total amount of 40.199 Euros. It is made up as follows:
- Kathmandu (children’s home, elderly caring home and other people in need throughout the city) – 8.215 Euros
- Briddhim (school sponsorships and other people in need / projects) – 28.239 Euros
- Chitwan (sponsorships and other people in need / projects) – 1.765 Euros
Further details and photos will be published after the handover, which is expected to be completed by the end of the month.
New residents at the elderly caring home in Kathmandu
Last month four more people in need of assistance moved into Metta Nepal Elderly Caring Home in Kathmandu. There is the couple Bal Bahadur (80) und Lhamo (79), both of whom come from very poor families. Many years ago the search for employment led them to Bhutan where the toiled as day laborers at construction sites. They are too old for this hard physical work now and returned to Kathmandu where they found themselves completely destitute. Luckily a relative initiated a contact with Geshe Sonam Wangchen.
Next we would like to introduce 69 year old Karma Sangmo from Mustang. She came to the institution in July. Karma was born deaf. During the past 6 years she lived with an elderly relative, who is 89 years old now. When this relative moved in with her children Karma was left behind on her own. A neighbor urged to take her into the nursing home.
One of the youngest inhabitants is 31 year old Jamyang Tsering. He was born in the Tibetan capital Lhasa. Like many other Tibetan refugees he left his homeland when he was a child still and came to India here he lived at a TCV. For a long time things went well for him but during the Covid pandemic doctors confirmed a case of bone tuberculosis. The illness deteriorated and for some time now he is almost completely paralyzed from the waist down. For this reason he was admitted to the caring home in July of 2023, where he is well supplied and also receives therapy. The latter has already slightly improved his health condition.
All these people would benefit a great deal from a personal sponsorship, especially since these funds are applied mainly towards medical care. The remaining amount is handed to them for personal use. Further details and pictures of the nursing he residents can be found at: https://www.tibet-tshoesem.de/en/sponsorships-in-metta-nepal-elderly-caring-home/ We are hoping for all of them to find sponsors soon in order to ensure their providing.
Special relief campaign launched on behalf of Pasang Karmo from Briddhim
Pasang Karmo is 14 years old and comes from a very poor family. Her mother left her shortly after she was born. Her father and grandmother died in the past few years. She could be enrolled for school thanks to a sponsorship and enjoys attending the Boarding School in Syabrubesi. Since her father died three years ago she has been spending her school holidays with an aunt in the village.
Pasang has been complaining of severe headache attacks and pain in her hands and arms for a while. Her aunt was not in the financial position to afford a check-up previously. However due to the intensity and unpredictability of the attacks Pasang was excluded from attending her classes. The school demanded a diagnostic assessment before she will be permitted again.
Our staff on site forwarded the money to the aunt already and she accompanied Pasang Karmo to a hospital in Kathmandu where an MRT, EEG and further diagnostic procedures were implemented. As a result an epilepsy was diagnosed which is now being treated with a neuroleptic she is to take for 2 years. By then the situation will be assessed once more. Pasang Karmo is relieved to have certainty as to her condition and also to know it can be treated. We hope she will respond well to the medication and remain seizure-free. The ride to Kathmandu, lodging there plus hospital treatment required a sum of 360 Euros. We have already received 80 Euros and would like to gather the missing amount of 280 Euros to provide this young girl with the needed remedy.
Donation handover to Sarbita’s family
Yesterday our staff member Paljor was finally able to deliver the donations for Wangdu Lama, Sarbita’s father. We transferred an amount of 1000 Euros for her heart surgery in late May. Unfortunately the date of the procedure has been postponed. When Sarbita went in for a preliminary medical examination at the hospital in June she was informed there are no appointments available at present and that she would be informed at short notice. By now she has been waiting for more than one month for the operation to be carried out.
Sad news from Briddhim
Very sad news reached us from Briddhim today, where Kyizom died last night at the age of 77. She was feeling unwell yesterday and laid down. No one knows whether she was ill. Unfortunately she did not wake up again.
Kyizom lived together with her 75 year old brother Phurbo who is deaf and depenedent on help. Neither of them ever married but Kyizom had one daughter and grandchildren. We are currently checking how Phurbo can manage and also if there is a need for support with the expenses for the funeral. Kyizom and Phurbo had a mutual sponsorship throughout the past 3 years and especially now we are grateful Phurbo can benefit from this financial aid. Our thoughts and prayers are with the two siblings.

Further help needed for Rupa Lhakyi after surgery
After receiving ovarian surgery in April Rupa is now doing much better and no longer requires medication. However due to her poor health condition the doctors have advised her to refrain from physical work for another year following the procedure. As a result of enduring malnutrition for many years Rupa is quite weakened after the operation. This means she will not be able to work until April 2024. She used to earn a small salary as a seamstress which barely covered her basic needs. While working a sewing machine at this point would strain her abdominal muscles, which she is to avoid, she also simply lacks the strength. Since Rupa never received any school education manual labor is the only option she has. So she has to wait until she can manage that again. To make good use of her time she is learning additional hand sewing techniques from a neighbor in the meantime. Also one of her sons has been released from a rehab clinic and found work as a painter. But his meager income is hardly sufficient for his own supplies and close to nothing remains which could be used to support his mother. We were able to transfer 700 Euros in April to finance the surgery. A monthly amount of 100 Euros to cover her basic needs until October is secured. We are now in search of a short term sponsor to also ensure Rupa’s care for the months to follow (November 2023 until April 2024) and will also attempt to provide this necessary support by collecting extra donations. As before 100 Euros a month will be needed.
New staff member wanted: Join our team in Germany!
Throughout the past months and years our association has steadily grown. There is an increasing number of regular sponsorships and projects to manage. Kati, who serves as treasurer, taking care of money transfer, but also organizes the children’s home project at Dickyi Tsering Home in Kathmandu, can hardly keep up with all the work anymore. For this reason we are looking for a motivated someone who would like to join the team and take on this particular project.
As with all our sponsorship projects this one also encompasses regular communication with sponsors as well as our staff on site, sending newsletters, searching for new sponsors, forwarding letters to both the children’s home and sponsors, editing the Betterplace website and updating the children’s data for our own website. Once familiar with these tasks the weekly effort should amount to no more than one hour. In addition Kati would be available for help and advice. Where you live is not of importance as we all operate online.
We would be delighted to welcome a new team member, willing to invest some time, find joy in supporting the people of Nepal and venture into volunteer work. If you are up for it please send an E-mail to: info@tibet-tshoesem.de

Sponsor needed for our staff member’s parents in Chitwan
64 year old Santa Bahadur and his 68 year old wife Ful Maya live in Aappani Village in Chitwan. Just like the vast majority of the region’s population they are very poor. The two are the parents of our staff member Dil Bahadur, executive of the NGO Himalayan Human Service Welfare Society. The couple has nine grown children, none of whom is in the position to support their parents. One additional son is already deceased. He was the father of the injured young man Rakesh (see further below) who along with his family also received our help after his severe accident at the beginning of 2022. Dil Bahadur and his wife Reena don’t have the financial means either to provide comprehensive help to Santa Bahadur und Ful Maya. Though they do earn a little money it barely suffices to provide for their own young family. Their son is able to attend a good school only thanks to a sponsorship as well.
Years ago Santa Bahadur used to work in the fields of other people and make some money this way but recently he has been dealing with problems in his legs and is barely able to walk anymore. Ful Maya, too, is physically quite weak by now. Therefore they no longer have any income and rely solely on a few vegetables they grow behind their simple hut and the milk of a few goats they keep. There are no funds for a basic supply with food, or new clothing if needed, let alone medication in case of illness. The couple would greatly benefit from a sponsorship of 30 Euros per month. As usual partial sponsorships are also welcomed.
Many donations received on the occasion of our birthday fund-raisinig
Just a few days ago we received the last donation as part of this year’s birthday fund-raisinig and are now ready to announce the result. There were online contributioins made through our Betterplace-campaign and the association’s account as well as at our home on July 16th. We succeeded in collecting a total of 1.337 Euro this time, which we are so pleased about! These donations will be distributed among various projects:
– fans and water dispensers for Bhandara Shikharbasti School: 197 Euros (total amount granted: 565 Euro)
– house construction for Dawa Chokpa: 880 Euros (in combination with the previously collected 720 Euros she will receive a total amount of 1.600 Euros)
– people in need in Dharamsala: 260 Euros
This support is already longingly awaited in Nepal and scheduled to be transferred to our staff there by the middle of August. Donations to India will go out in October. photos of the current handover and information regarding the use of donations will be released as usual. On behalf of the children at Bhandara Shikharbasti School, Dawa Chokpa in Briddhim and the people in Dharamsala we extend our most heartfelt thanks to all who supported this venture.

New arrivals at Dicky Tsering Home in Kathmandu
Recently 10 new boys and girls were admitted to the children’s home in Kathmandu. They are aged between three and thirteen years. Among them there are two pairs of twins this time, another pair of siblings and one girl whose elder sisters have already been living here for years and receive sponsorship. On behalf of all these children we are in search of sponsors as well, in order to secure their care and education. Background information and additional photos of the kids can be found at: https://www.tibet-tshoesem.de/patenschaften-fuer-kinder-des-dickyi-tsering-home/
Birthday fund-raising in Berlin
Once again Nyima and Konny would like to collect money for our projects on the occasion of their birthday as part of the annual campaign “Donations instead of presents”. We would be most delighted if we could succeed in gathering 2000 Euros this time to support the house building project on behalf of Dawa Chokpa (our goal: : 1.500 Euros) plus finance fans for the Shree Rastryia Primary School in Bhandara Shikharbasti (our goal: 500 Euros – 308 Euros have already been donated).
On the one hand we are collecting funds online as we have a greater reach this way, but on the other hand -as is a tradition meanwhile- also with a small personal campaign at our home in Berlin. You are all invited! Guests are welcome to stop by on Sunday, July 16th between 12.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. If you are up for it please send us an E-mail and we will provide you with the address and further details. There will be yummy food, Tibetan music and information on our projects available. In addition you will be able to purchase goods of our fund-raiser shop, such as beautiful summer shawls from Nepal.
Those of you who will not be able to make it still have the opportunity to support our projects and contribute something of course, either directly onto the regular account of Tibet Tshoesem (details on the right – purpose: birthday fund-raising) or through the following Betterplace project: „Birthday donations for people in Nepal and India“: Birthday donations for people in India and Nepal von Konny L.: Unterstütze diese Spendenaktion (betterplace.org)
At the Betterplace website the start amount of 3.628 Euros is shown which refers to the sum, collected before the birthday campaign started and thus is out of date now. Anything donated there from today on will be used for the house building project in Briddhim and the school in Chitwan. We are looking forward to your visit and many donations!


Sponsor needed for 39-year-old Sangmo from Dharamsala
The Tibetan woman Sangmo lives on her own in Mcleod Ganj (Upper Dharamsala).She went through a rough childhood. Sangmo was born in Gompa Gang near Briddhim in the North of Nepal. Her family was very poor and did not have the means to send any of their children to school. When a Tibetan family from Dharamsala came to the village and held out the prospect of taking their daughter with them in order to let her attend school her parents agreed. But it turned out differently. Sangmo was passed on to a family in Kashmir and spent the rest of her childhood working hard, never being allowed to attend a school.
After her wedding Sangmo lived in Bihar for 4 years. She had 3 daughters who are at present 12, 13 and 15 years old. As time went on her husband became physically violent. He beat his wife. So eventually she took her children and left him. This way she came to Dharamsala in 2018. Although the children were all born in India and their father is Indian through active support she managed to enroll all 3 daughters at TCV Upper Dharamsala. Due to the family’s desperate situation they receive education free of charge there.
Without any education Sangmo has very few employment opportunities but she struggles hard to make a living and works 7 days a week. Between 7.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. she is on cleaning duty at a restaurant, from 2.00 to 8.00 p.m. she works in a private household. This way she earns 120 Euros a month – a starvation wage considering her efforts. Her current rent costs 35 Euros. The place is very small and poky, consisting of only one room without windows. Thus she is not able to house her 3 daughters there when they are on school break. They would love to spend this time with their mother but under these circumstances it’s hardly possible.
She would like to move and already found a different living space, where the monthly rent would be 80 Euros. When she gets sick or earns less now and then, though, she is already unable to buy food supplies as it is. Providing her daughters with basic necessities is not possible at all. This way her desire to move remains unpromising. We would like to support Sangmo with a monthly sponsorship of 50 Euros to facilitate a move into decent housing and the opportunity to spend more time with her children. Of course partial sponsorships of 10 Euros or more would also be an option.
Overall care for Manmaya and her children in Syabrubesi
The sisters Romi (14) and Jesica (6) used to live in Kirabari, a village near Mentok Gan, with their mother Manmaya (41). The family got by somehow. Then a fatal accident happened: In its course a man fell down a steep slope and died. Manmaya’s husband tried to help but was accused instead of having killed the man. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison and has many to serve, yet.
The family became impoverished since he had been the sole provider. The eldest son had to leave school at only 12 years of age to help his mother in supporting the family. Both were executing hard labor in road construction to make a living somehow.
We managed to find school sponsors for all three children but since the family belongs to the Kami caste day school was the only option for these children. Thanks to extra donations we were able to rent a basic flat for Manmaya and her kids in Syabrubesi near the school. Now 8-year-old Bibek and 11-year-old Bishal, two of Manmaya’s nephews, also moved in this spring. These boys come from a difficult family background. Their parents are not taking care of them. So they used to live at the children’s home in Kathmandu. Now they are attending day school at Gosainkunda English Boarding School. All these children have had sponsors for quite some time and we found an additional one for Manmaya, too! This way the family is now financially secure. The various amounts cover expenses for school fees, rent and groceries, which the family appreciates very much.
Newsletter „Summer 2023“
Our recent newsletter was published today. Have a look: Newsletter Sommer 2023
Enjoy reading!
A new roof for poor Hira Maya Muktan in Aappani Village
As we reported two days ago we are collecting funds for the people of Aappani Village in Chitwan within the scope of our latest campaign, in particular at this point for 57-year-old Hira Maya Muktan. Both of her elder daughters are married, however unable to help their mother out. Five younger children are still attending school in 10th through 12th grade and are staying with one her sisters. Hira Maya has to depend on hereslf. Her husband is an alcoholic and not living in the same house.
Hira Maya is destitute as most people are in this small village. She keeps a few cows, goats and chickens, which hardly suffices for self-reliance, but somehow she always managed. In May a severe storm damaged her house, though. Half of the corrugated iron roof came down and was destroyed. Hira Maya does not have the financial means to have the roof repaired on her own. The overall costs for material and labor are projected at around 300 Euros.
After our appeal we immediately received numerous donations and today the final amount still missing came in: 300 Euros are complete! Now we will be able to cover all of the estimated expenses and our staff in Aappani Village will borrow the money for now so the construction work on the building can be commissioned within the next few days. With our next donation transfer in August we will repay the money. For more than one month Hira Maya had to endure extreme temperatures of up to 49 degrees which meant a lot of physical stress. On her behalf we would like to thank all donors for their prompt and extensive help!
Announcing: our new Betterplace project is now online!
Ever since our association was established we have been supporting the small Aappani Village in Chitwan, one of the 77 Nepali districts. Our staff on site, Dil Bahadur and Reena Tamang, also live in this village with a population of 1600. They were actually the first beneficiaries there, initially receiving a school sponsorship for their son Rujal, who is now 9 years old, later also help with financing a small shop, where they sell home-produced honey today.
Thanks to their own commitment to others and the registration of their NGO Himalayan Human Service Welfare Society which was accomplished just recently, we are now in the position to offer more extensive help to the people of the village. This is a major concern to us as they are very poor. To offer a straightforward overview over our different projects we established a Betterplace-Project specifically on behalf of this village. All campaigns concerning Aappani village will be organized through the project „Hilfe für das bitterarme Aappani Village im nepalesischen Chitwan“ from now on. The donation-button is located on the right side. Through the following link you may also access the site: http://betterplace.org/p124230
There is first information available about the village, the region and our plans there. Currently we are collecting more donations for the injured Rakesh, for a new roof on poor Hira Maya’s house, the registration of the Nepali NGO plus -coming up shortly- fans for the class rooms at the village school. Little by little we will be introducing current requirements and add information in our newsletters.
We would appreciate donations on behalf of the new project, particularly because two requirements have to be met for the project to go public. There have to be at least 5 donations registered and a minimum amount of 250 Euros has to be reached. We thank you in anticipation!
Donation handover at Tse Chokling Monastery
New special relief campaign on behalf of Sarbita from Briddhim suffering from a heart defect
14 year old Sarbita has been attending Gosaikunda English Boarding School in Syabrubesi along with her brothers Bishal und Anderesh for more than two years. This was made possible through the help of school sponsorship for all three children because their parents are poor and unable to come up with the high school fees. Sadly we learned that Sarbita was diagnosed with a heart defect.
She has been feeling dizzy on and off for quite some time, perceiving tightness of the chest and shortness of breath. A check-up in Kathmandu where her parents took her revealed two holes of the septum in between the two atriums of the heart. These are significantly affecting the blood flow, causing a backward flow of high oxygen blood from the left to the right atrium, resulting in a lack of high oxygen blood which is needed to support blood circulation. Another result of this condition is volume overload of the right ventricle, eventually causing pulmonary hypertension. The latter is associated with increasing chronic symptoms and a low life expectancy.
A surgery could help Sarbita and her family has decided to have it carried out. However they are too poor to bear the high costs and asked us for support. For the time being the parents borrowed the money as Sarbita is to be taken to hospital in Kathmandu in the coming days already. The expenses of the surgery are estimated at about 1.500 bis 2.000 Euros and we are hoping to be able to gather the amount soon. On our website “special aid projects“ we will be posting updates on Sarbita’s condition and the campaign: https://www.tibet-tshoesem.de/sonder-hilfsaktionen-3/
Donation handover in Chitwan
We could recently also deliver our financial aid to the region of Chitwan in Southern Nepal. 240 Euros were provided for Rakesh and his family by kind donors. This will suffice for 4 months worth of food, medication and medical check-ups. Rakesh keeps improving. He is already able to walk a few steps without a crutch but his doctor has advised him to watch over himself carefully for at least one more year, to avoid all physical strain and work, in order for everything to heal well. If things go as expected the metal plate in his leg can be removed by then. Rakesh still needs daily medication and it is not easy for him to stay at home all the time but most of all he wants to regain his health.
During monsoon time, which is starting in the coming weeks, the simple dwelling the family inhabits keeps getting soaked through by flood waters. Everything inside gets wet then and in order to prevent this recurring trouble they started to install a stone filled extra wall on the side where moisture keeps penetrating. We are hoping for this construction to resolve the problem and would like to help out with a certain amount of donations. Total costs for construction and salary for two bricklayers are estimated at about 120 Euros.
Reena and Dil Bahadur also received support. We were able to transfer 385 Euro for the birth of their third child. The little girl’s name is Lhaku Dolma and she was a Caesarean delivery on April 14th. The whole family is well. Rakesh, his family as well as Reena and her family were elated with these donations.

New sponsorships for elderly people in Nepal
Two elderly women in Nepal are looking forward to sponsorship as of today. 53 year old widow Palmo Tamang in Briddhim has been receiving support by means of various campaigns throughout the past few years. We provided support for the reconstruction of her house, which had been destroyed in the earthquake of 2015 and also gathered extra donations to cover medical treatment because Palmo suffers from high blood pressure and diabetes. In addition a liver cirrhosis could be successfully treated.
Just like most people in Briddhim, who, due to physical restrictions, are unable to work, and being a widow, Palmo receives 14 Euros government support each month, which does not even suffice to pay for her regular medication, though, let alone buying food. For this reason we established a sponsorship for Palmo in November of 2021. Thanks to the possibility of implementing medical care, her condition improved, she no longer suffers from open hand sores – a complication of the diabetes. Twice a year she needs to consult a doctor for check-up at the hospital in Kathmandu in order to receive another quantity of medication. Since the first sponsorship coold only cover half of these expenses we are happy she could acquire a second one now. In combination these secure her medical needs entirely.
The other newly found sponsorship regards 76 year old Dolma Tsering who has been living at Metta Nepal Elderly Caring Home in Kathmandu almost since its founding. Her handicapped son Mingmar Tsering also lives there since he is unable to care for himself. Mingmar is still waiting for sponsorship.
Donation handover at Metta Nepal Elderly Caring Home
Unfortunately with delay the latest donations could now be delivered at the elderly caring home in Kathmandu as well. A total of 39.264 Euros was transferred to Nepal on April 6th covering the months of January through April. Of this sum 1.230 Euros was intended for the caring home, comprising of sponsorships for Jangchub Gelek, Chiri, Ani Pema und Kimey Rangdol plus 890 Euros of general donations, which we were particularly pleased about since many residents are still waiting for regular support. With these general donations at least part of their daily requirements, especially medical needs, can be covered. Everyone at the elderly home is doing well and the recipients were very happy about the donations.
There is also a new addition to the group of people living there. We will fill you in shortly.

One more time donations needed for the widow Ngacho in Briddhim
In the course for our recent donation transfer we were able to provide Dechen’s widow with 580 Euros. Dechen passed away in February as a result of liver cirrhosis and internal bleeding. With the aid of her children Ngacho managed to pay for the remaining medical treatment costs but she had to borrow an additional 20.000 NPR – about 140 Euros- to cover the expenses of Dechen’s funeral. We would like to send her that amount also, thus would be happy about donations on her behalf, which are also possible through our Betterplace-project „others before self“.
Two new sponsorships at Dickyi Tsering Home
8 year old Manisha and Srimaya Roka, who is already 15 years old, have acquired partial sponsorships this month. Both girls have been living at the children’s home in Kathmandu for years. They are quite happy there and like going to school. On behalf of all those children who have not found sponsorship, yet, we are always collecting extra donations – so far for these girls as well. A steady sponsorship secures the children’s home’s maintenance plus the extensive care the children receive much better, though. For this reason we would welcome additional shared sponsorships for both children. Each still requires 15 Euros per month. Besides these two many other children there are still waiting for regular support and they would also much enjoy being in contact with a sponsor.
Special relief campaigns completed
We managed to finish several special relief campaigns at once these days. For one thing we had collected donations to provide hearing aids for Pempa Wangmo from Gray near Briddhim and were able to hand over 510 Euros for this cause. She received 660 Euros in total to cover the treatment. Her daughter Sharmila is at present at the Tibetan border for work purposes. As soon as she can arrange it she will accompany her mother to the doctor.
On behalf of young Chyangba Rani from Briddhim we launched a campaign last August. She had lost her unborn child at 30 weeks of pregnancy. Afterward one kidney had to be removed. The treatment was very expensive but luckily many friends and family members also helped out. We managed to transfer a sum of 1.570 Euros for Chyangba’s treatment. Her husband Kancha recently started working in Saudi Arabia thus being able to provide for his wife. Her supply is now assured.
We received another call for help in September. 43 year old Gyalsang was very ill: a severe hepatitis was diagnosed. He was in critical condition but recovered after treatment at a hospital in Kathmandu. We were able to support him with 450,- Euros. Gyalsang’s wife has been working in Kuwait for some time and is now finally in the position to transfer money to contribute to the family’s needs. School fees and support for the couple’s two sons, Sanu und Shakti, are financed through sponsorship. This way they are all well taken care of and no further donations are needed.
Weitere Teil-Patenschaft für Ani Tsewang Yangdol
Ende April hatten wir über die 39-jährige tibetische Nonne Tsewang Yangdol informiert, die seit ihrer Kindheit linksseitig teils gelähmt ist, daher oft unter starken Schmerzen in den Beinen und immer wieder auch an schmerzhaften Furunkeln an der Hüfte leidet. Für ihre derzeitige Behandlung in Delhi hatten wir ihr vor Kurzem 450 Euro an Spenden überweisen können.
Da sie das kalte Klima in ihrer Heimatregion Ladakh nicht verträgt, lebt Ani la in Dharamsala. Ihre Familie ist zu arm um zu helfen und da sie völlig mittellos ist, versuchen wir sie mit Patenschaften zu unterstützen. Seit August 2022 hat Ani la eine Teil-Patenschaft von 10 Euro monatlich, nun ist eine zweite für 30 Euro hinzugekommen, wofür sie sehr dankbar ist. Der Gesamtbedarf für Miete und Lebensmittel liegt bei 100 Euro und so hoffen wir für Ani Tsewang Yangdol bald noch weitere Paten finden zu können.

Good news from Chitwan

Staff members needed for new project
During our project trip to Nepal in early January Geshe Sonam Wangchen, head of Hope & Challenge plus the children’s and elderly caring homes in Kathmandu, as well as Raju Lama, the principal of Gosainkunda English Boarding School in Syabrubesi, asked us if we would be able to set up a new project. Both institutions would like to offer an opportunity to foreign volunteers to combine a journey to Nepal with social engagement.
Since our small team of seven has no capacity left to take on such task we are in search of one or two new staff members who would like to tackle the project. Required skills would be willingness to commit to voluntary work in your spare time, creativity and good English skills in order to communicate with our local partners in Nepal (via Whatsapp, Messenger, E-mail).
The institutions, where volunteer projects are to be maintained are separate. There is on one side the project for the school in Syabrubesi, which 80 of our sponsored children are attending, on the other the children’s home and the elderly caring home in Kathmandu. So two contributors could divide these between them to reduce the work load.
The project is not aimed to encompass a complete package taking care of flights, insurance and such but only the placement of volunteers. Possible tasks for them in Kathmandu could include nursing assistance, cooking, cleaning, teaching, repair work, garden maintenance, guiding play and work groups.
First of all a concept will be needed. In a further step the staff would manage the recruitment of volunteers and establishment of contact to Nepal. The estimated work effort is expected to be around 10 hours per week and will most likely reduce later on.
We would be happy about inquiries. If you are interested please send us an E-mai: info@tibet-tshoesem.de
Viele Spenden für Nepal
Numerous donations for Nepal
Within a short time after starting two new relief campaigns we already acquired sufficient donation amounts.
The German nonprofit organization Dautari – Friends for Future e.V. supported our fund-raising on behalf of the solar power system for the Dickyi Tsering Home in Kathmandu with a generous donation, thus financing the second module. We already received enough contributions to cover the first module’s expenses. Thus we will be able to transfer the entire cost of 1560 Euros for the construction to Hope & Challenge and the campaign is successfully completed.
In addition to this we have received a generous donation for Reena, who is highly advanced in pregnancy, and her husband Dilbahadur in Chitwan, who are expecting their third child. We can now send the entire amount of 380 Euros to cover the child’s birth in Nepal. The family was plunged in debt after their second son’s birth about one year ago when complications arose during childbirth. Reena fell sick, the child was born with a severe heart defect and eventually died after only one week. That’s why the family is now lacking the money for hospital payments and they are infinitely grateful for the support with the expenses. We would like to thank all supporters most sincerely!
Newsletter „Spring 2023“
Today our most recent newsletter has been released. You are invited to have a look inside at: Newsletter Frühjahr 2023
Enjoy reading!
Additional school sponsorship in Briddhim
A short while ago 6 year old Sonam Tashi and his 8 year old sister Tseyang Butti from Thokman near Briddhim found a sponsor, who has now also taken on sponsorship for their 14 year old sister Tsering Dolma. Tsering spent the past 6 years at a monastery school in Gagalpheidi near Kathmandu, where she was able to attend lessons free of charge but in exchange had to cook and clean at the monastery. However she did not learn a whole lot there and has so far only passed third grade. Since she did not want to live at the monastery any more Tsering returned to her family a few weeks ago. For her age she has a lot to catch up on now but she is determined to study and we trust she will manage!
The family very much wished for all their children to gain a school education and we are happy the three of them will be enrolled at Gosainkunda English Boarding School next month to live, learn and grow there together.
Update building project on behalf of Dawa Chokpa in Briddhim
11 days ago we filled you in on the resumption of this house building project and currently everything is progressing rapidly. One week ago the first building material was delivered and the construction work has started. Dawa Chokpa is happy to finally see her new home in the making. To keep the cost low only a simple foundation will be laid and since the building will be entirely at ground level no steel pilings are planned for reinforcement. Following our last appeal we received 115 Euros and we are hoping for some more to add to our donation transfer in early April.
Aid campaign for ill Rupa Lhakyi in Kathmandu
44 year old Rupa comes from Dhumbarahi in the Kathmandu district. She is divorced and has two grown sons (22 and 24 years old). Both of them are receiving treatment at a drug rehab institution and are unable to support their mother.
Up until two months ago Rupa was earning a small salary as a tailor- just enough to cover her small rent and basic food supplies. But in January she fell ill and has been unable to continue work. She had already suffered severe problems a few years prior to this: the gall bladder and one ovary had to be removed. This time the second ovary is affected. The doctor treating her stated that a cyst, possibly the whole ovary, has to be taken out.
Since the beginning of her unemployment Rupa is completely destitute. Therefore Hope and Challenge took over the rent payments and provides her with food. The next surgery is supposed to take place at Stupa Hospital (last picture below) and is expected to amount to 1 Lakh, about 760 Euros.
The costs have to be pre-paid and Hope and Challenge will borrow the money and advance it. We would like to support Rupa and are collecting donations for the operation.
As soon as Rupa feels better she would like to resume her employment. However with the earnings out of her sewing she was merely able to cover the rent for her small room so far, which has a leaking corrugated tin roof and no running water but is cold and damp. So further down the line we would like to establish a regular sponsorship for Rupa and enable her to move to a humane dwelling.
Update regarding the solar collectors at the children’s home
Just a few days ago we briefed you on our latest relief campaign. Right on March 15th the solar collectors were installed. As we had posted 9 collectors had been planned. However the space on the roof did not suffice for that. Now there are 6 collectors with water tanks, integrated in 2 modules. Tomorrow on Friday is „shower day“ and the children are so much looking forward to the warm water!
The allover costs for the facility, including installation, amount to 1560 Euros. The umbrella organization Hope & Challenge borrowed the money and following our appeal for funds 570 Euros were already accumulated to help finance the project. By early April the next donation bulk is to be transferred to Nepal and we are hoping to maybe cover the costs of one of the modules by then.
Yet more new school sponsorships in Briddhim
As of now the 7 year old boys Pradeep Tamang und Akash Ghale, both from Mentok Gan near Briddhim, also have school sponsorships. Like many other families in the region theirs are unable to afford a school attendance for their children and the young ones are very happy they will be enrolled for school in April. Pradeep’s older brother has benefitted from school sponsorship through another NGO for years. It was sad for Pradeep to be the only one in the family not able to attend school. Two of Akash’s siblings, Santos and Samjana, have sponsorships with us as well and have already passed several grades. Now Akash will finally share growing up with his siblings again and also learn with them.
Along with more than 80 regional children whom we were able to set up for school during the last few years Pradeep and Akash, too, will attend Gosainkunda English Boarding School in Syabrubesi.


Opening of our Tibet Tshoesem Webshop